Friday, December 14, 2007

sound bites

so much has been happening recently. thought I'd make a quick blog to fill you in on the exciting parts.

I have a nodule in my hand... and it's been there for a while. So I went to the hand surgeon... and he goes:
"it's quite simple to remove, I'll just stick a needle in and pop it"
and then I go:
"ok then"
and he goes:
*smiles* [gives me one of those... "I don't think you understand what I'm saying" looks]
and then I go
"oh... you mean right now???"
and he goes:

so... to cut a long and boring conversation short, he sticks the syringe into my hand... and moves it around. And it hurts. Then he takes the needle out... has a feel of the nodule (which is still there)... and the needle goes back in. This happens a few times. He also squirted this medicine stuff in there. He came to the conclusion that the nodule is too small and too mobile to pinpoint with the needle. So I'm going to wait for a few weeks to see if the medicine stuff makes it go away. It was hurting for a few days... but doesn't hurt now.

Yesterday, me and Rob made a gingerbread house for his mum's birthday. It was fun to do. Neither of us are too skilled with icing... it was going everywhere. But it's the thought that counts... and it does taste nice too. PHOTOS!!!

And that's not the only thing I've been making. I've been sewing... but I wont be able to show the fruits of my labour until after christmas. I'm quite proud of myself. If I wasn't so bad at cutting material, I'd sew more often. Prepping material annoys me... but putting it all together is very fun.

I've also been back at work. It's been pretty boring. No famous people coming in. Although I did get a strange call today (note: this is only an extract of what was a very very very long call):
Caller: I want a pizza with potato
Me: ok then... so there is a vege roast and a beef royale that has potato on it
Caller: no no no that's not what it's called. it's called *incomprehensible*
Me: hmmm... well what toppings exactly were you looking for?
Caller: I want potato and cheese
Me: [thinks this is a weird person] Would you like a pizza with just cheese and potato on it then? We can make one up for you
Caller: no no no it has a name. a pizza with potato on it
Me: do you have the internet? we have a menu online
Caller: no no no... don't you know the pizza with cheese and potato on it?
Me: I'm sorry we don't have a pizza with just potato and cheese on it
Caller: are you in wahroonga?
Me: Yes, at the rear of Redleaf ave, we're called Pizza cutters
Caller: OOOOOOOOOoooooo... I got the wrong place. Goodbye.

why would anyone just want potato and cheese on their pizza??? what kinda weird shop in wahroonga sells a potato and cheese pizza?!?!?!?!?!

From Car-O-Line

Monday, December 10, 2007

a journey around NSW

so so so so so so so much has happened since I last blogged. It'll take me forever to write it down... and I'm looking forward to enjoying my holidays... so I'm going to KISS (keep it simple, stupid).

Beyond the Line:
is a program where the DET pays for a trip to a school in western NSW... in the hope of encouraging us to teach in a country school. I went to Nyngan High School. It's a town with the population of 3000, and there were about 170 kids in the high school. The kids are basically the same as Sydney students, just with a bit of extra baggage (family problems, etc). It was fun to go there. The teachers were really nice and also really skilled. I picked up a lot of things by watching their lessons. In conclusion to the trip, I would consider going to teach in western NSW because I can see that it can be a very satisfying job and that you can make a real difference to the kids there. One thing that worried me was the lack of Christian teachers, or Christians in general - their values and behaviours are quite different to mine. In a sense it would be good to go there for that reason... to build up the community and spread the gospel. We'll see what happens.

NTE Canberra:
National Training Event. Rob picked me up from Central station with Becky and we drove to Canberra, arriving at 11:15pm... and staying at the YHA (which was very snazzy indeed). Warren, Erin and Dan were there too. So it was a very long day... because I had been in the coach from Bourke for 12 hrs... then straight back in the car to NTE.
NTE was awesome. Good teaching from God's word - Hebrews was preached on and Hebrews is like the best book in the Bible. I love it that Jesus is our great High Priest. And I was very happy when we sang "Before the Throne of God Above" which is like a reinforcement of Hebrews... very moving. We were also taught about the Bible... sounds vague... but we saw that the Bible is (in my best rapper voice):
"Receiving God's word, written for his people, written by his Spirit, about his Son" - WORD!
I also was in strand 4 - Ethics of Work. We discussed a definition of work (and non-work), asked questions on whether it is better to do secular or gospel work, and debated what the Bible said about work. For the first four days we were basically putting out lots of questions, without getting answers. And then on the last day, we wrapped everything together and it was so satisfying!!! We covered a lot of things... and I think it would be pointless for me to write everything I learned there... it's really something that you have to go through yourself and wrestle with from reading the Bible and asking the questions yourself.

NTE Mission - The Lakes Evangelical Church Central Coast
We travelled from Canberra to Tumbi Umbi, Central Coast. Spent a whole lot of time in the church office with the lovely ministry team of the church. Ate so much BBQ but also had many tasty salads and veggies. Some of the things I did was letterbox drops, door knocking, scripture to the yr 7s and kids church. We were go-go-going for the whole week. We went to church on Sunday morning which was really cool. It was a very good experience. We were encouraged to think about how we can be supporting church plants (like the possibility of moving there to help build up the church).

So overall... the past 2 and a half weeks have been really awesome, and challenging too. I've been challenged to use my teaching skills in a western NSW school. I've been challenged to make my work decisions based on what God and his words says, and I've also been challenged to take part in church plants in the building of God's kingdom in Australia. Lots to think about the future.

From Car-O-Line

p.s.: this has been a very short and crappy blog about events where I've learned heaps and heaps of stuff. talk to me in the flesh about it to find out the full story.

Friday, November 23, 2007

to blog or not to blog...

that is the question.

I definitely feel the need to blog. I want to blog. And I have lots of things to blog about. And if I don't blog now, I may not be able to blog for two weeks, in which case I'll have to write a most giant blog (because I'll have to fit in Bourke and NTE stuff).

But I am tired. I will try to blog properly tomorrow.

I've just decided in a split second that I'll do a mini blog now.

This week was the 'crazy choir week.' I had rehearsal at 6-9pm on monday and wednesday, and also had rehearsal on thursday, before the actual concert. I think the concert went quite alright. It was fun.

Because I was around uni so much, I got to hang with people (notably Rob). Cler slept over on Sunday night, we got crafty and made a present for a certain 21 year old. It took a little longer than either of us expected... so we didn't get to finish our LOTR (extended edition) marathon, or listen to another 'Love, Sex and Marriage' talk.

And yes... got to hang with Rob a lot. He also had study to do... but now he has no study to do. HOORAY! (yes... this is going to be a very concise blog)

Also before choir concert, I went to Erin's house to make gingerbread people for the choir concert. Warren helped too. We made some hilarious looking things. And also had fun exploding jubes in the oven.

All week I had been writing up a talk on contentment for youth group. I did it tonight. I think it was ok. It was my first ever talk so I think I just need a bit more practice. I think the content was good... and I myself learned a lot just writing the talk. I enjoy writing Bible talks/studies because I learn heaps from it.

Tomorrow is voting day. Elections frustrate me because it's so frustrating. I've been reading stuff on all the parties to be able to make an informed decision. What bugs me is how everything is biased. But then again... bias can sometimes be a good thing. I'm going to attempt to fill in all the boxes below the line again.

well... that's concise enough.

From Car-O-Line

Monday, November 12, 2007

If only I had a proper exam period

Last week was the final week of uni work for 2007 for me. Now before all you students out there start getting jealous that I'm already done, you need to hear me out. On Monday, me and Rob travelled to the State library. It's a pretty scary place... all these forms you need to fill in. And you have to put all your posessions in lockers. And it was so quiet. And for all that travelling... I got to look at one book which was hardly helpful. We then had lunch in hyde park which was very nice. Then we split and I went to visit Cler. We were going to study, but ended up talking about things instead. On Tuesday, I read journal articles like crazy, and wrote a few words. Tried to make up a coherent hypothesis for my essay... but wasn't finalised yet. On Wednesday, I drove to Cler's house and we actually studied... and I wrote a considerable amount of my essay. Unfortunately I forgot to take the music score with me so I was unable to do some analysis (which was going to be a large part of the essay). I then went to uni for choir which was pretty fun. Then me and Erin went to the Rege for some tasty chicken schnitzel... with the best pepper sauce. Then we picked up Warren and his friend and went to get a free slurpee... because it was 7-eleven day. And we got free slurpees! It was very exciting. So exciting that we decided it would be fun to go to a cold park and drink our cold slurpees. Yes... it was freezing. But the swings were good quality. On Thursday, I went to the con library and met Naomi there. I found a whole 3 good books... they were very good... so I photocopied lots of things and highlighted lots of things... and referenced them (no plagiarism for me!). Then we split and I went to Atarmon, where Cler picked me up, and we drove to Rob's house were we had lunch of soup with Rob, Steve and (female-)Sam. It was impressive for guy-cooking. Then Steve brought out his whip and cracked it and we all had to study. It was pretty intense. I got a lot more of my essay done (had the score this time). Then people left... and me and Rob made a dash to the shops to buy some little things... then we started cooking... and people came over! We had dinner and chatted and watched "This is Spinal Tap." It was a fun night... and here is where it gets messy...
Friday. Woke up... quickly wrote the conclusion to my essay which put me within the word limit (yes!) and did a quick edit. Then I had to photocopy score examples and cut and paste them into my essay, then photocopy that, then label them. Then I did the footnoting. I HATE FOOTNOTES!!! I had never done footnoting before... so I got this "how to footnote" guide from the library... and it was pretty clear and easy to understand. But it took such a long long time to get all the references in. I had to run (literally) to the train station to catch the train I needed to catch. I was doing the bibliography on the train and the bus... right up until I got to the main walkway of uni. And even then the assignment wasn't finished... cuz I had to now print off the bibliography... and then I had to put together the listening examples. So my assignment got in 20mins late... I'm still pondering whether I should have just left it to Monday... I can vouch that I didn't do a good job on the assignment on a whole. And after I handed in the assignment and was halfway home... I realised that I had forgot to put on the running word count. GRAWH! I emailed my lecturer to tell him the word count. I just hope I pass this course and wont have to redo it... and that I wont have to resubmit the assignment because that would suck!

I got home just on 6:45... ate dinner quickly, and then went to Thornleigh Baps because they were holding this youth event. It was a weird event. There was all this wussy rock music, and the band were saying "we're all here to worship God" yet none of us knew any of the songs... and the song leaders weren't leading the singing... they were swaying. Then there was a gospel talk... it started with a very very very long story... which was hard to follow... and it didn't help that the speaker had a "70s porno mo" (yes... he called it that). Then when he came to the crunch point... yes... in our leader feedback none of us could agree on what the actual main point was. And I'm not too sure if it was actually sound...

On Saturday I went to Erin's house with Rob and other arts/colleges people to say farewell to Elsie (although no one said farewell... and she was late... and she happily read the newspaper in the corner as we all socialised with each other). Erin and Hayley put on a very very nice spread of food. And we were all stuffed... I didn't need lunch. The weather was nice too.

I'm glad that the weather is looking nicer now. I got to go for a walk today, and hang out the washing... and it was nice to get some sun. Tomorrow is me and Rob's 2 month anniversary. He's got something planned for Wednesday... but I'm not exactly sure what. Should be good :)

From Car-O-Line

Saturday, November 10, 2007

to do:

just a quick blog to say that i am now free of uni for this year... and i need to blog about:

-studying with Cler, Rob, Steve and Sam
-the drama of my last assignment
-back 2 basics youth event thing
-elsie's brunch

From Car-O-Line

Saturday, November 03, 2007

i am alive

please forgive me for neglecting you - my beautiful blog. I do still love you. Although I didn't realise that I still loved you. It was only until I commented back on my post 2 posts ago that my excitement of blogging and it's usefulness in procrastination was revitalised in my mind. Oh and I can write really long sentences which make no sense to anyone but me and my blog will love me for it. oh what a wonderful blog.


yesterday was my last day at uni for the year! (officially... I still have to trek in next friday to hand in an assignment). So I can waste time now! or maybe not quite yet. Gotta write this essay first... but then it'll be holidays. YAY!!! Here are my holiday plans:

-make a bag
-make a dress/skirt
-finish reading "disciplines of a godly woman"
-finish reading "nothing in my hand I bring"
-read either "knowing God" or "decision making and the will of God" (or both... depending on how reading excited I get)
-finish reading my "Bible in a year" (which I was supposed to finish last year... I'm halfway through december at the moment)
-hang out with Rob
-get into a good sleep pattern
-clean my room
-get a filing cabinet for my bountiful amounts of teaching resources
-cut pizzas
-drink tea
-have a bbq
-meet with friends
-go away with friends
-go away with family
-blog about everything

So there you have it.... my "Holiday Blogging" series. Hope you will get excited about it.

I'll also be going to Bourke for this school visit thing.. so I should blog about that too. And there is also NTE (definitely blog-worthy).

From Car-O-Line

p.s: Elsie... this blog was for you :)

Monday, September 24, 2007


I haven't blogged in a long long time (although the last time I blogged... it was a very very long blog)

This session at uni, me and Elsie have been reading Ecclesiastes together and finding that the writer is particularly depressed. Reading one chapter a fortnight has made me question if the writer should just get over himself and start looking at the positive. Yesterday at church we had a sermon on Ecclesiastes. We saw that the writer is just giving a true depiction of the world. We live in a fallen world and it isn't that nice. We then came to realise that we seem to have very high expectations of the world. We always want to gain more from it, we want excitement and new things... yet the world we live in can get quite monotonous - we wake up, go to uni, come home, sleep, wake up, go to uni, come home, sleep, etc. Turning to Romans 8:18-21, we are reminded that God has subjected us to this world, so that we have reason to hope for something better. A time when we can be with God forever. It's exciting to know that we can be in relationship with God and that he is preparing a place for us.

From Car-O-Line

Friday, August 31, 2007

Google Maps - UNSW

Have any of you seen google maps lately? It's pretty good... and you can get good directions too... it shows you pictures of the streets and all that jazz.

In my procrastination... I looked up UNSW. Take a look at this pic:
Can anyone explain what the huge black wall is???

From Car-O-Line

Friday, August 10, 2007

an update!!!

so... what's been going on since my last blog? So much!!!

switch camp:
For switch camp Doug came and spoke to us about Thomas (from the book of John) and what we could learn from him. We talked a lot about the different reactions that people have when they experience Jesus. A lot of the kids were struck by the fact that it's easy to say you follow Jesus, but harder to actually follow him. We're all keeping each other accountable now. We also had fun games and good music.

uni holidays:
before and after switch camp (although not during camp) I was sick. One week of a terrible sore throat (I suspect aa UPTI) and then a week of a flu.

Bob and Nicole's wedding:
Bob and Nicole got married on the 7/7/7. I drove Daniella, Veronica and Simon from my place to Engadine... it was a very long, fun, interesting and revealing trip.

Twin Cellos:
Me and Veronica went to the City Recital hall on the 13/7/7 to see the twin cellists play. They were really good. They played 4 different pieces, my favourite was the Rachmaninov cello sonata (solo cello) and the Elena Kats Chernin - "Phoenix Story."

Rice Planning:
there have been 2 planning days so far. I'm going to be on admin team and post-rally team. It's kinda a scary experience. So much planning and so much organising to be done. Everyone is praying that the BDO (which is tomorrow) wont be rained out.

Definitely the highlight of my holidays. The topic for this year was "guidance" and grimmo gave some awesome talks. I actually went up to MYC the day before (for pre-myc) which was nice. We got everything organised and prayed and thought about how we can be looking out for those who might be anxious about myc. I had awesome room buddies for myc. In my room was Verity, Erin, Jess O, Carlie, Naomi and Anne. We all got along very well and had fun.
highlights of the week:
-seeing naomi come to myc!!!
-meeting all the first year arts (and the other arts people who I've never met before)
-free time - our girl/gui-dance - this was so funny! we basically all got together at free time and freestyled until we worked out some dance moves that we liked. Everyone in the arts faculty took part which was awesome. And there was an inter-faculty competition... and arts won!!! We are the best faculty ever!!!
-D&M's with erin, verity and naomi
-mafia in the prayer tower - we cramped in 11 people into one of those tiny rooms!
Things I learned from the talks:
-one thing that I never really thought about much before was that God is the one who made the world futile. This sorta shocked me at first but it's a really awesome that he did it... in fact it was an act of mercy!!!
-the only guidance we need is guidance on how to be married to Christ. And God has given us all the guidance that we need now.

Pizza at Alistair's:
Alistair makes really nice pizza... and really nice ice cream.... drool! We watched "The Devil Wears Prada." A movie that has always confused me... is it a happy or sad ending???

Anna's 21st/farewell:
straight after work I drove to Anna's party. It was a good party. The theme was "any wee thing Scottish" so I wore a wee bit of Scottish tartan (in the form of my red scarf :P). There were some really awesome speeches... like there was this whole presentation with audience participation. And there was dancing. There was a jukebox so we got to choose some songs. We all had a fun time dancing. It was kinda scary seeing people like Lindsay know all the lyrics to spice girls songs. Oh and Warren and Dan blue-zinc-ed half of their faces braveheart style... and at the end they were rubbing it on everyone. Very funny.

Parent's holiday:
after getting home from anna's and sleeping at 1am... I had to wake up at 4am to go to the airport with parents... then drive myself home at 5:30am. Needless to say I was tired. Parents went up to sunny townsville for a holiday without me... but that was ok. Cler came over a few times and we watched a stack of movies (including Harry Potter... before I finished reading the book).

Back to uni:
First day back at uni was really awesome. I was wearing my mission hoodie from myc... and I saw all these people I met at myc wearing their hoodies too. I even had some of my friends asking me what it was all about which was cool... although that was the only time they asked about it (after quickly realising that it was a christian thing). We also had our first prof prac class with Christine Logan. She's really encouraging and eases your nervousness. She talked a lot about our recitals... I'm excited about mine now.

post-Choir fun:
Me, Naomi and Erin are at it again. The first choir night back we went to the spot for pizza and then saw harry potter (again) with Dan W, Lindsay, Warren and Dave. Watching it again lets you pick up on things you missed the first time. I slept over at naomi's house that night (didn't have to go home because parents weren't home) and we stayed up talking and chatting with erin on msn.

chai chai time:
is sorta happening... something that I'm finding really sucky this session is that I have class after cbs on both monday and thursday... so I can't really hang around and talk to people. As soon as me and naomi finish class... we rush to chai chai to see if people are still there.

arts hang:
is happening a bit more than chai chai time. The only thing about arts hang time at the moment is that people keep on going to the wrong location lol. I've got some good feelings about arts hang though... I'm sure it'll work out soon enough.

prof prac preliminary:
played half of one of my recital pieces in class. first time my class mates have seen me so "angry" (ie: focused and serious). It was sorta fun playing for them... I must admit it was a pretty unpolished performance but that's ok... I like the piece and it should be good for recital time :)

other uni classes:
there is so much reading it's unbelievable!!! I've never had to read so much a week ever!!! And I don't like it! The thing is... our readings get checked... so I have to do the readings!!! GAH!

21st party research:
planning a 21st is the most difficult and confusing thing I've ever done (not really but I feel like exaggerating). I think I've finally got a place and a date that will be good-ish. Too many people are having their 21st in september which makes it hard.

Blood of Kings:
After choir I met up with Alistair and watched this play called "Blood of Kings" which was written by Alistair's, brother's girlfriend. It was a really good play! So cool that she (Clairie Ormiston) could write something like that. From what I gathered... it's a play about the tension between truth and thought.

CBS mission talk:
The 'first' mission talk was entitled "Why do Camels have more hope than Bill Gates." Chales Gajus gave the talk... and it was really good. I brought one of my class mates along and introed him to an arts guy so that they could talk. The talk was about "who can get into heaven." Talk about tough answers!!!

and there it is... my life so far :P

from Car-O-Line

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

shocking news

I am in shock!

So.... I've been trying very hard to read Harry Potter 5 before the movie comes out... I get up to chapter 27.... turn the page... and find out that I'm rereading something from chapter 11! So... I wonder if this is some sorta weird trick JKR has done to give the illusion of real 'magic' but it's a printing error!!! Pages 529-576 has been replaced by a repeat of pages 193-240. HOW BAD IS THAT!!! You'd think there would be some sort of quality control or something. So yes... I've got a bad feeling I wont be able to exchange the book because I bought it in Feburary... but I'll give it a go. In the meantime... I can't read on... and it was getting mildly exciting. Has this ever happened to someone before?

From Car-O-Line

p.s: if someone wants to lend me a book so I can read pp529-576 that would be cool

Thursday, June 28, 2007

man talk

I have a soft toy sore throat:I also have a very real sore throat... and I sound like a man. I can sing a D below middle C to be precise. It's very troubling... but I'm trying to remain calm because I know the cause of this sore throat was stress in the first place.

And funnily enough I didn't get my sore throat from screaming at misbehaved boys on prac. In fact... prac was awesome. The boys were all very obedient and I had a good time teaching them. I went back on tuesday night to help mark their trial HSC performances and I had a good time. They are all very talented musically. I'm going to miss going there every day... I also felt like I bonded really well with the teachers there. I'm gonna go to the 'evening of music' to catch up and see how everything is going.

On the other hand... switch camp is stressing me out like there is no tomorrow! I fully had a breakdown last night. Mum says that I'm taking it all a bit too seriously... and I am. I thought it would be easier this year because I had done it last year... but it's been so much more hectic this year. I've been reminded that I can't just rely on my own efforts but that I really need to rely on God.

In more exciting (and cute) news. I bought three watermelon slices which can be seen here. They are going to be my future inspiration for making cute toys. In fact I would have already started my craft escapades if it wasn't for my stupid sickness which is keeping me stuck in this dreary house.

From Car-O-Line

Sunday, June 24, 2007

This blog is rated...

Online Dating

This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

  • kill (5x)
  • death (1x)

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Uni over!!!

I have no more uni work to do, except for one assignment - which I'm not counting as an assignment because I'm looking forward to doing it - it's fun (it's an orchestral arrangement).
[while typing the above... I accidentally swallowed a spearmint eclipse mint. Should I take another one???]

Tomorrow I start on prac. So I wont be at uni for a long time. It's kinda sad that I'll be missing the last week of uni. I feel like I haven't said a proper goodbye to my uni friends. Luckily for me I'll see most of them not too far away at MYC!!! I'm super excited about MYC. I'm feeling the need for a bit of guidance... especially since Elsie gave me a 5 year plan to write up.

Anyways... back to prac. I visited the school and now I'm really excited about teaching there. It's a boys school so I'm sure many weird and funny things will happen and that I'll learn a lot of stuff. The music teachers there are very nice. Friendly too. [hmmm... does nice assume friendly???]

I'm excited about the holidays... I'm going to go craft crazy! I have patterns printed out already... just need to get fabric. I'm going to make lots of cushions and plus toys. I've talked about my germs before... I want to make things like my germs... but maybe I'll make animals. You have to check out this cool site... so cute!!! (to see more go here)

Well... gives you enough stuff to browse over and comment about. I'll end here [p.s: I did decide to have another mint]

From Car-O-Line

[don't worry Doug... my games blog is coming!!! - you may have to keep on bugging me though]

Friday, May 25, 2007


I am officially behind in my work (yet I blog). I got home from uni at 10:30pm after choir practise and went to bed. Then this morning I had to go to the doctors with dad in St Leonards so I couldn't get anything done this morning. I am glad though that I went with dad because he was very nervous and I think he appreciated me being there. The doc said that they have no idea what is wrong with dad because the test results and symptoms don't add up. If only House was a real doctor. I also had my trumpet test today... had a little time to practise before going to the doctors (may have woken up neighbours) and then I practised just before my test. I think I practised too much because when I got into the exam my throat just closed up and my lips wouldn't stay tight... I didn't do too bad though. So yes... I'm going to hand in my essay on monday. I figured I could hand it in today, unedited, way under word count, crappy but Iain would probably just then get me to resubmit it... so hopefully I'll do some good on it this weekend (I actually don't have much time this weekend either... got my violin test on monday morning).

well I have to go tutor... sigh... but my student recently came first in her class. I'm so proud.

From Car-O-Line

Friday, May 18, 2007

My promised blog to Jen

Well I haven't blogged in ages... I've been trying to be good and restrict internet activity so that I could do uni assignments. I've done quite a few so far... but still got heaps to go (after this week it will be cruisy-er)

At the moment... this is the most exciting thing happening in my life:

Doesn't it look the coolest?

Anyways... I've been having some dramas... For a long while I didn't have a prac school to go teach at but I've got one now which is very comforting (but scary at the same time). I'm also a bit behind on my work. This weekend I was supposed to go to this weekend away for CBS-stuff but I decided that I should stay home and do work. It's sad that I can't go... but I think I need the weekend at home. I also wont be working for the next week at pizzacutters.

Next week I have choir rehearsals almost every night (and quite late too). Hopefully I'll get a lot of things dones this weekend so that I wont have to stress during the week. Lack of sleep hasn't been too good either.

I've also been finding it sad not having a personal bible quiet time. I'm so close to finishing reading the whole entire bible... but still so far. I have been getting a lot of bible reading done daily though (with church, switch, bible study and CBS stuff)... but you get a little something different from a personal quiet time.

Uni holidays and MYC are coming up rapidly... they are my motivation for getting stuff done now!

The other day someone asked me how I was going in my singleness... and I guess I'm doing smashingly well. It hasn't really crossed my mind lately that I'm single and that it may be a problem. I'm content with life.

We are singing Handel's Samson which is sounding quite nice.
Tickets are $20/$17/$14 (adults/senior/concession)
we are singing with a professional orchestra so it will be rocking!

I am so into craft at the moment. I recently made something... but I cannot share it on the internet because it's 'special.'

My bed calls....

From Car-O-Line

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A night in the life of a Pizza Cutter...

Today Barry O'Farrell came into the store and ordered a BBQ meat lovers:
-I thought he was on a diet!
-I've met him before when he lived near church... and he has more white hairs now
-he was looking healthy though

I think I offended him because I asked what his name was to put on the docket... even though I did know who he was... I just needed to make sure it was him... and I didn't want to look starstruck.

me: can I get a name for that?
him: no that's ok
me: (huh? oh he must have misheard me) OH I just need a name for the order
him: OH! It's O'Farrell, Barry, I'm Barry O'Farrell
me: ok thanks... *tries not to look stupid in front of a famous person*

He didn't seem to be in a good mood either... maybe he just got back from a big yelling session with all the other politicians... plus... he's a big leader now! It was a pity though... cuz I wanted to ask him what he did with those agapantha's my dad gave him (among other random questions and friendly chit chat).

Hopefully he liked the pizza and I'll see him again.

From Car-O-Line

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Guy Love

This is really funny... it reminds me of the Backstreet Boys.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Oh Happy Day!

Had an awesome day with my junior girls today. To see all the awesome photos... go here.

Here are some photos to tempt your tastebuds:

From Car-O-Line

Saturday, April 07, 2007

The Games Manual!

Doug asked me to write a post on instructions of cool games (because those science games are so lame :P)
But alas, I know so many games! So, I'll just list the games I know, and then you can request certain games.

  1. chicken game
  2. watermelon game
  3. big tractor
  4. bucky bunny
  5. pass the beat a round the room
  6. stupid
  7. orchestra game with conductor
  8. carrots
  9. alien
  10. pear
  11. G'Day Bruce
  12. Grand Master Sensei
  13. Giants, Wizards and Pixies
  14. I'm a celebrity
  15. Evolution
  16. Family Serious
From Car-O-Line

p.s: I went to an "all the meat you can eat" restaurant the other day with Naomi... and it made me think of all my guy friends who would have loved it so much.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


I was looking over my ACG Super Blog (look below) and I noticed that there is no link for people to write comments. Where did it go?

Then I checked the settings for that post and saw that somehow it automatically disallowed comments... so I fixed it now. I am expecting EVERYONE who reads that post to comment on it. After all I did spend a lot of my sleep time writing it. Plus, I like reading comments... you guys are funny.

From Car-O-Line

p.s: no one updated their blogs today... I'm very disappointed (and bored).

Thursday, March 22, 2007


BLUE STEEL! (or magnum... you decide)
back row: Dan, Dave, Gu, Darn, Felix, Meray, Kate Martin, Gary, Warren, Lindsay.
front row: Elsie, Kathy, Doris, Me, Anna, Meredith.

Words cannot express the funness that was Arts Colleges Getaway 07... well actually... that's a half-lie... I could express the funness in words... but you may not feel from reading these words that it was fun:

On friday arvo... I dropped off my stuff at Felix's place. Then I had trumpet. Then I met Elsie at her house, and I helped her carry more things to Felix's room. It was a lot smaller than I had expected it to be... and also a little messier... but that was probably because he had everyone's luggage on his floor.

Then me and Elsie went to Central Station to meet up with some other people: Doris, Kathy, Meredith, Dan (Darn), Lindsay and Warren. We bought Hungry Jacks for dinner and got on a very crowded train to Campbelltown. At first me, Doris and Elsie were sitting down the bottom of the carriage while the other stood in the middle... Elsie was worried that the other weren't talking to Cathy (the new girl). But they were. :)

Once we got closer to Campbelltown, me, Doris and Elsie moved to the middle of the carriage with the others where we all got a seat. Since we were all together we decided to play a game of mafia... and it begun! In the first round, I had my head down, waiting to be woken up... when I felt someones finger poke me in the head! I was shocked! To my disgust, I was killed off in the first round. Before I officially died though... I told everyone that someone poked me to kill me... meaing that Warren, Lindsay or Elsie were mafia. Evil evil Warren was the one who killed me... lol.

Warren looking very shifty... (with George, the neckless giraffe)

From that round on... I was always the first person to be killed off. *sigh*
When we got to Campbelltown... we swapped trains to get to Tahmoor. And our mafia game continued. Luckily, we all got seats next to each other. After a few rounds of me getting killed off first every time (unless I was mafia), I decided to be narrator... and then it begun. Doris got killed off first this time... so it was always either me or Doris getting killed off first. It was funny because whenever we wanted to kill people, we would be like "LETS KILL KATHY" or "LETS KILL LINDSAY" etc. And the train carriage was pretty full... there was this one lady very close by giving us very weird looks... haha. On another note, the scenery was very beautiful around Tahmoor... sweeping hills with a very nice purple/pink sunset. awww.

When we got to Tahmoor... we had to wait for people to pick us up in cars to take us to the campsite. To kill time, we played a few old classic games like big tractor and alien.

Playing Alien when we finally got to the house
clockwise from left: Lindsay, Felix, Darn, Dan and the back of my head.

Then, Warren and Kathy decided to play this game on us... one of those games where you have to work out what the rule is. It took me over an hour to work it out. The problem with those games is that you try and overcomplicate the rule when the rule is quite easy. Poor Meredith was too tired to work it out. But oh the liberation when you finally worked out the rule.

Over an hour later, Dan (Dan) picked us up. As we left, we heard a train honk... we knew it was honking at Doris... cuz she had been dangling her feet over the platform. The place we were staying at was really nice. It was like a house. We all stayed in the same house which made it nice and cosy. In my room was Kathy, Doris and Elsie. After hot chocolate and games (a couple of long rounds of mafia... thanks Warren for saving me this time), we slept.

On Saturday, I reluctantly got out of bed after a quite uncomfortable sleep. After breakfast we had our first session from Ron Serje. YAY for Ron! He was our MTS person last year (with Elsie). The topic of the weekend was Resurrection (1 Cor 15). It was full on stuff... but basically... the resurrection is important because:
-since Christ was raised, we can be raised.
-if Christ wasn't raised, our way of life (faith) is absurd.

Then, we had morning tea... then we had seminars. The college boys went off and did a seminar on "being Christians in colleges" while the arts people did a seminar on "being Christians in arts" and also talked a bit about good purposes for travelling overseas.

Then we had free time! It was raining, so I stayed indoors with most other people, although some people did go play tennis in the rain and some people went for a swim.

Tennis in the Rain
l-r: Lindsay, Anna, Darn, Dan

Indoors we played lots of card games. We played a lot of "Emperors and Scums." Then Doris straightened Nicole's hair. We tried to convince the boys to let us straighten their hair... but they refused.

Before dinner, we had a missionary spot about some missionaries in Russia. It was run a bit like a quiz competition which was fun. It was very informative too.

After dinner, we had the ACG SUPER CHALLENGE run by Lindsay. This was a giant trivia evening with sections such "super sudoku," "super taboo" and "the music game." There were also other general trivia questions. It was very well planned. I think my team came third... which was quite good seeing that we only knew about 5 of the 60 countries of Africa. LOL! My team's name was "Darn we're good" because Darn (ie: Dan Wilton... yes... he has a new nickname now) was in our group.

Look its Darn!

Look it's Elsie, Dan and me (now you will forever be able to tell the difference between Dan and Darn)

After trivia, we chilled in the lounge room a bit. We were all pretty tired but too excited to go to sleep... which was a good thing because we convinced Lindsay to let us straighten his hair! It was so funny... I'll let you look at the pictures.

Lindsay Before and After
with Doris looking very proud of her efforts

Once Lindsay got his hair straightened... all the other guys agreed to having their hair straightened. It was so funny and fun. We tried to flatten down Darn and Warren's 'Tin Tin" fringe... but it didn't work... their fringes stubbornly stay up. Once all the boys hair was straightened out... we went to sleep.

Prim and Proper People have Straight Hair
l-r: Dave, Darn, Lindsay, Martin, Anna, Meredith and Gu

To our disappointment, all the guys' hair was back to normal in the morning. We had leaderless bible study groups in the morning about "the bodily resurrection" (Luke 24) and then Ron gave his second talk on the Resurrection. I learned:
-The kingdom of God wont accept our lowly bodies, we need an imperishable body.
-because we are in Christ (who was raised), our bodies will be radically transformed when he returns, this is the conquest of death.

Then we had lunch and went home. Meray drove me, Kathy, Meredith and Doris. Me and Kathy got dropped off at strathfield where we caught a train home together. The train ride was... interesting... gotta love public transport (not).

And that was it.

From Car-O-Line

Waiting for Dan to pick us from Tahmoor Station
l-r: Warren, Me, Kathy, Elsie and Darn

Sunday, March 18, 2007

ACG is over :(

Arts/Colleges Getaway has been and gone. It was so much fun and I miss everyone already.

Once I overcome my sorrows of not being there... I'll post a blog on all the very interesting and fun things that happened.

From Car-O-Line

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

to do: stuff

I got my trumpet yesterday! It's shiny and colourful. I played it for a bit this morning... some notes actually came out... and some of them sounded good! I'm happy.

So on the weekend I had my church camp in Morriset. The topic was on prayer and our guest speaker was Anthony Petterson. We talked about why people struggle with prayer nowadays... mainly that culture discourages prayer. Anthony taught us that our understanding of God shapes our understanding and practice of prayer. He explained to us the importance that God has a name: I AM, and what it means... because it always baffled me that someones name could be I AM. To explain what it means... we looked at the footnote reference: "I will be who I will be" which shows that God is who he reveals himself to be. The fact that God has a name also shows that he is a very personal God. Which is awesome. I was saying in a previous post how I think people take prayer for granted. At camp... Anthony pointed out that prayer is a gift by God's grace, it is our relationship with God in action. How cool to be directly in contact with God... through Jesus, in the Spirit.

Those were the big points that stuck out for me. There was other stuff too.

I think I've already realised that uni is going to be a lot busier this year, but I haven't really done anything to make it less busy. There is quite a bit of work that I should be doing now... but I keep on putting it off. I should practice my violin now too. I also need to stop shopping and buying summer clothes... I need winter clothes now.

I bought canvas ages ago to paint something... but I dunno what to paint. I saw some nice tulips at IKEA... I might paint those. Any other ideas? I'm a big fan of still art.

Gah... just realised I should practice for choir too.

This weekend I got the Arts/Colleges getaway. I'm excited. It should be lots of fun! Apparently Lindsay spent 9 hours working out the Saturday night activity... I wonder what it is!

Once I get photos from Church camp... I'll post them up. There are some good ones of the girls in my cabin... kekeke.

From Caroline

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Uni has begun

Well... I haven't posted in quite a long time.

I'm back at uni now... 2 whole weeks gone. My classes seem to be going quite well. They are all interesting and I think they will be useful for when I start teaching. I can't wait to do full time teaching now. Having my own classes and being able to use all the really good resources I've got so far. I'm sure all the other teachers out there will be thinking that I'm crazy... but I'm sure it'll be fun for the first few days.

Tomorrow I'm going to church camp. My first camp for the year... I can't believe it! It will surely be lots of fun. I just hope that the storms will hold out on Saturday so that I can go canoeing and that we can have the bonfire. Our Guest speaker is Anthony Petterson and the topic is going to be on prayer... I've heard only good things about this guy... and I'm looking forward to learning heaps and heaps more about prayer. I guess prayer is a thing that you sometimes take for granted.

Tomorrow is my first trumpet class. EXCITING!!! I know it's going to be a very noisy class... I thought clarinet was loud... but surely trumpet is louder. Hopefully the office lady will find out what's going on and Ill get my trumpet tomorrow.

Currently listening to "Barwon River Love Song" by "The Andre Ellis River Band." It's very sweet. The lead is one of my class mates.

Me and my parents went to IKEA the other day (I still wanna go with you Jen) and I got a new desk. It's long and skinny so it fits nicely in my room and I can sprawl all my stuff over it which is nice. If anyone wants my old desk (at a negotiable price) let me know... it's one of those study IKEA primary school study desks which everyone has (you know you want to conform too!) and its in basically perfect condition. It was just a bit short for me.

LOL!!! I always get distracted when I blog... I just temporarily disappeard to listen to Aboriginal music for uni. I have to transcribe it... it doesn't sound too hard which is good. Although I wouldn't be able to transcribe the lyrics... I find it hard enough to work out lyrics of pop songs on the radio.

I joined choir at uni this year. It's been really good... I'm so bad though... I'm so out of practice in choral singing. Like I sing in church... but that's nothing compared to choir... like you have to pronounce everything in a certain way and you need to sight sing and do all these super big leaps. Choir is going to be very handy for when I go to a school because then I will be able to conduct choirs. I tried to do some choir conducting at my last prac and that didn't turn out very well.

I guess I should sleep soon... because sleep is good.

From Car-O-Line

P.S: my new favourite threadless shirt... which I got in the mail today:
note to self: don't do anymore shopping unless it's for pants, ie: no more tops!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Fresh Start Mission

"I will extol the LORD at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips.
My soul will boast in the LORD;
let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
Glorify the LORD with me;
let us exalt his name together."

-Psalm 34:1-3

If you hadn't noticed... I have been away all week. Last Sunday night I 'moved' to Kensington into the Hodgkinson household. It was such a lovely house and I was given a very nice room (I've been inspired to clean my room up). I went to St Matthias church in Padington and met Jess who is one of the Hodgkinsons... as well as many other people. After church we went to a tasty tasty thai restaurant called Chao Praya... only cost us $10 each!

Monday was my first day of "fresh start" mission. This was where people from Campus Bible Study (CBS) came to uni everyday to meet new students and invite them to study the Bible on campus this year... it was O-week so there were stacks of people there and a lot of people signed up to join CBS and find out more about God and the Bible. At first I was quite anxious about walking up to strangers and talking to them about Christianity... but praise God... he helped me out so much.

What I found from 0-week mission was that God is fully in control of everything. At times when I was tired and unmotivated to go talk to people... people would just walk up to me and start asking me about what CBS was. It was so encouraging. And even after approaching heaps of people and being rejected, God would bring along a person who I could have a really good conversation with and that would get me excited again about ministering to the people on campus.

Not only were we working hard to meet people and organise BBQs and the like... we were being trained by John Chapman and Paul Grimmond. We learned about God's will for evangelism and how to do it better. We learned about God's love for people and his desire for people to be saved. And I was encouraged to keep on trusting in God... not relying on my own works... but on God because he is Almighty and Sovereign. Chappo also gave us a good talk on 1 Cor 8 & 9 which was very helpful in thinking about how to encourage other Christians in our deeds.

One thing I really loved about o-week mission was that all the 50 CBS people who came and stayed locally grew as a team and as a family. During the evenings we ate dinner together or went out to get coffee and we were able to reflect on our experiences and pray a lot together. I love all my brothers and sisters in Christ who I served with during o-week. They were so supportive and encouraged us to take breaks when we were doing too much and told jokes and made funny faces to cheer us up. How will I ever forget:

-our night at Tea Scapes where Doris showed us how she could plug her nose and where Becky found it difficult to lift her pinky
-the large amounts of slab cake and plums consumed (thank you Steph!)
-those sickingly sweet cadbury creme eggs which we often ate for breakfast
-evil Dan (Wilt) painting us with cornflour glue
-water guns and water fights, seeing Grimmo going crazy with his water bottle
-Morris (leader-Dan) doing some amazing impersonations of Napoleon Dynamite
-pegging grapes at everyone
-bountiful amounts of free stuff with Doris picking up double so that she could give it to Elsie

I'm sad it's over but I'm excited about seeing new people at CBS and hopefully growing together in Christ.

From Car-O-Line

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I've had an epiphany! (or a few more)

Ok... so people have been asking where I've been during the day... and here is the answer!

I've been at uni doing my summer course. And my first epiphany for this blog is that it is so boring! There are people in the class who know a lot more than my lecturer... including me. So the course is called "Introduction to the internet and e-commerce." The e-commerce part of it is that businesses have webpages (woo!) and the internet part is... "google is a search engine... to search something... just type it and click search." Today we did a bit of html which was a little more exciting (although I do know the basic html already... so it was a bit of revision). Now... onto more exciting epiphanies:

On my first day of my summer course... (get ready for epiphany no. 2) I got there at 9am ready for my lab... and then realised (along with the other 40 people in the course) that there was no lab for the first day... so we were all 3hrs early for our lecture. So I took the bus to Bondi Westfield. Man that place is a cool place. And I found the most awesome shop! Epiphany no. 3 - Smiggle!!! It has all this really cool and cute stuff. They had all these notebooks and journals... I wanted to buy them all. But since I have many notebooks/journals already (epiphany no.4) I decided to buy something that I didn't have...

2 blue mini highlighters, blue staples, a stapler and an elephant cut out punch.

I went on the smiggle website today and they have so much more stuff that I didn't see. Lucky for me they have a store in Hornsby (epiphany no.5) so I can go browse there if I want. Their pencils/crayons/textas look very cool. I'm thinking of getting some new coloured pencils and one of their pencil sharpeners.

Today is one of the days that I'll actually be home for dinner with the parents this week. Tomorrow is CBS summer edition... thursday is work and friday I will be rushing to go to switch (plus tutoring before that). I'll also be working saturday. I think my parents miss me.

From Car-O-Line

Saturday, February 03, 2007


I've been busy catching up with school friends which has been awesome. Yesterday Me, Jen and Jenny watched movies at Jenny's house. Haven't seen Jenny in possibly a year... so it was good to catch up. I took lots of pics:

Me shocked and Jen striking a pose

Me, Jenny and Jen.... then Me and half of Jenny

Sexy Jen... and not so sexy Jen

Happy Jenny... and not so happy Jenny

Jen's eye.... she blinked.... or was in the middle of the blink

Then today I went to Steve's house for a fare-thee-well party for Sarah who is going overseas for 5 weeks! I saw Sarah and Bec and Jen and Elly and other people. We played a bit of e-toy "play sports" and had a very fun round of carrots, stupid, big tractor and g'day Bruce. Then Jen, Jono and Sarah got in the pool (sometimes thrown in) and they had an interpretive handstand competition which was very amusing. We had crossaints and raisin toast and multiple spreads, plus coffee, tea and orange juice (with and without pulp! oh the choices!!!) and we also had pizza for lunch. They have 2 very cute king-cavalier spaniel doggies... Ronny and Ginny. Ronny is very sweet. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures there.

This evening I worked for a bit in pizza cutters. Pretty ordinary.

From Car-O-Line

Thursday, February 01, 2007

the Corinthians???

Ok... So I sorta didn't finish up my 'read a bible in a year' last year... I'm currently a month behind. So yeah... I've sorta been trying to read more quicker to get it done... which hasn't really been helpful. Today I finished reading the letters to the Corinthians... and I'm totally confused. I have no idea what it's about. Well... I do understand parts of it (all the little passages that you do in sunday school and stuff). There are just parts where Paul seems like a complete weirdo... not sure what he's trying to say. So... let me share a confusing verse with you:

"I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven." - 2 Cor 12:2

To give you some context... Paul had just been talking about boasting for about 3 whole chapters. In the context of the passage... Paul's above example makes some sense but my question is... what is this third heaven?!?!

Paul is too deep for me. Once I finish my reading plan I think I'll have to come back to the Corinthians and read it a whole lot slower (I basically read it all in 4 days?!). Yeah... reading fast just doesn't work for me.

From Car-O-Line

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sunday Pizza

On Sunday, Sarah, Steve, Jono, Jen, Jess and Tom came to my place, we decided which pizza's we wanted to eat and ordered them over the phone. Then we drove up to Pizza Cutters and picked up our pizzas. Saul was very nice and gave us free drinks. We were gonna come back to my place, but decided that it would be nice to eat in the park since it was still daylight. After devouring our
-Beef Royale
-BBQ Chicken
We decided to play some games. We were quite loud and everyone else in the park thought we were strange. But we had a lot of fun. I taught them all my crazy youth group games and they taught me a really cool game called "the music game." The games we played were:
-big tractor (always entertaining)
-stupid (which Jen loved!)
-the music game (a super cool new game which I'm dying to teach my youth group girls)
-carrots (much loved by Jess and Tom)
-alien (my personal favourite)
-pear (which Jono had a bit of trouble with)
-G'day Bruce (which Steve was very very good at, Sarah did quite well too)
hmmm... I feel like I'm missing a game. Oh Well. Once we had enough of embarassing ourselves (it was very tiring) we left to go our separate ways. I had a nice sleep that night.

From Car-O-Line

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Turandot and the Giant Walking Emo

Yesterday I went to 'Opera in the Domain' with my parents. It was a pretty good night. We got there at 5 and there was still plenty of space (not like Symphony in the Domain). It was quite cold though... there was a lot of wind. We were all hungry so we had our dinner. Then we wanted snacks but we didn't bring any. So I walked to the 7/11 near Wynyard and bought some expensive chips. It was cool because I saw this giant walking emo puppet walking. There were these huge ropes and one man working an arm while another person was working a leg and a forklift truck moving the emo puppet forward etc. There was a whole japanese film crew... so if you next see a giant emo puppet in a japanese movie... it was in Martin Place... and I was there!!!
The opera they were showing was Turandot by Puccini... my first ever live opera. It's the story of the very beautiful Princess Turandot who kills those who love her. [fummy moment! The people behind us were saying "but she's not even beautiful! Why would he go after her?] She sets them riddles and if they can't get it... they get their heads chopped off. Along comes this clever guy Calaf... and when he first sees her he falls in love and summons her to give him the riddles. At the other end of the story, Liu has fallen in love with Calaf and doesn't want him to risk his life for Turandot (because death seemed to be a certainty). But Calaf gets all the riddles right... but now Turandot doesn't really want to marry this stranger. So... Calaf sets her a challenge... if she can guess his name by morning... she can kill him. You may not have heard of Turandot but it's the opera where Nessum Dorma comes from (the song that Australian Idol Damien Leith sang... badly). The music in it is very very good! The orchestra was amazing! Afterwards me and mum were saying that it was slightly cruel to drag dad along to this cultured soap-opera. [funny moment! The people behind us were saying "now I know that operas usually have really out-there plots, but this one... really takes the cake!"] Dad was funny and said "It was very sad when that girl died... it was very... emotional... it almost brought a tear to my eye." Hahaha!!! He was being sarcastic... although I think he enjoyed opera in the domain more than he would have enjoyed symphony because he could read the surtitles and follow along (because he's hearing impaired).


Dad and Mum enjoy the evening

The giant walking emo.

Check out that beautiful sky

the beautiful sky looking not so beautiful

From Car-O-Line

riddle time care of Turandot:
1. what is born each night and dies each dawn?
2. what flickers red and warm like a flame, yet is not fire?
3. what is like ice but burns?

Friday, January 26, 2007

So many good memories... [1986]

Anybody under the age of 13 should not read this, and if you do, you should
not repost this.

Just because you were born in '97 doesn't mean you're a 90's kid.

It's not like you could remember the original Simpsons. I am sorry but three
conscious years of the 90's just wont cut it.

You're a 90's kid if:

You remember tazos.

You can finish this [ice ice _ _ _ _ ]

You remember watching Doug and Ren & Stimpy

AAAAAAAH Real Monsters!

You had a favourite member from FIVE.

You remember when it was actually worth getting up early
on a Saturday to watch cartoons.

You remember reading "Goosebumps"

You took plastic cartoon lunch boxes to school.

You still get the urge to say "NOT" after (almost) every sentence . . . not

when everyhting was settled by rock paper scissors

when we played Hide and go seek until our legs grew numb.

when we used to obey our parents

You used to listen to the radio all day long just to record your FAVORITE
song of ALL time.

video hits was actually good.

"Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?" was both a game and a TV game

Captain Planet. He's a Hero.

You knew that Kimberly, the pink ranger, and Tommy, the green ranger, were
meant to be together.

You remember when Super Nintendos and Sega Genisis became popular.

You always wanted to send in a tape to Australiass Funniest Home Videos . .
.. but never taped anything funny.

You remember watching Home Alone 1, 2 , and 3 . . . and tried to pull the
pranks on "intruders"

you had a fringe at some point. none of this side fringe crap, a real fringe

You remember those Where's Wally books.

You remember eating Warheads.

You remember watching the Aladin, and Ninja Turtles,.

You remember Ring Pops.

If you remember when every thing was "da BOMB!"

You remember walkmans

Writing M.A.S.H. notes.

You knew all the characters names and their life stories on "Saved By The

You had at least one Tamagotchi, GigaPet, or Nano and brought it everywhere.

.. . . Furbies.

You haven't always had a computer, and it was cool to have the internet.

And Windows 98 was the best.

You watched the original cartoons of Rugrats, Power Rangers, and Ninja

When Goth (NOT EMO) was crazy cool! Smashing Pumpkins, Sonic Youth, the good

You remember Bewitched, Jump 5, S-Club 7, and that whole period with the boy
bands and pop divas.

You remember exactly where you were and what you were doing the first time
you saw a Britney Spears or N'SYNC video.

Michael Jordan was a king.

no one had brand pencilcases

You collected those Beanie Babies.



sesame st was actually good.

You collected all the Troll dolls

You owned a portable tape player.

You know the Macarena and the nutbush by heart.

"Talk to the hand" . . . enough said

You always said, "Then why don't you marry it!"

You went to McDonald's to play in the playplace.

Before the MySpace frenzy . . .

Before the Internet & text messaging . . .

Before iPods . . .

Before PlayStation2 or X-BOX . . .

Before Spongebob . . .

when you got one sheet of homework for the whole week.

When light up sneakers were cool.

When you rented VHS tapes, not DVDs.

when Caller ID was a new thing.

When we recorded stuff on VCRs.

When we called the radio station to request songs to hear off of our

When the Chicago Bulls were the best team ever.

Way back.

When it was all about N64.


Before we realized all this would eventually disappear.

Who would have thought you'd miss the 90's so much!!!!!

Post this in your bulletin if you remember these days . . . .

Post with the year you were born

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

the evidence

Ok... so here is my thumb post doctor visit. She used this really nifty thing that I've never seen before to put the bandage on. I thought it was cool. The slice seemed to have stuck back together pretty well which is good... but from looking at how deep the cut is... doc reckons I nipped the nerve (hence that's why it hurt and the tip of my thumb is numb).

I also made another huge discovery at the doctors today! When you mix red onion juice with band-aid glue, it turns green! So my thumb is green underneath (man I should have taken a picture of that too!!!). And yes... my hands still smell of onion.

From Car-O-Line

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

crazy day

got some bible study work done today which was really good. it was kinda hard to do... must wrestle with it more later.

Tonight at work... I sliced my thumb while cutting onions. Man it really stung. And there was all this blood coming out. Now I don't know what's been up with me lately... but I basically fainted. I didn't fully black out but I couldn't hear anything, I went all pale and couldn't stand up. So after dressing my thumb I went out and sat in the bathroom and drank some good sugary coca-cola (they should pay me for saying that). I think I gave my boss a good scare... either because he hadn't seen me so pale before, or because he didn't want me to sue him (I think it was a combination of both). Another guy at work also cut the same thumb that I cut today too... but he didn't do the whole 'damsel in distress' thing... he was more of a man and got back to work a lot quicker. Those stupid onions! They cause me so much grief!!! I'm glad I wont be working tomorrow... I need a lil break from it. My hands stink. I don't think I'll need stitches... but then again I don't know what constitutes the need for stitches... so I better go get it checked out by the doctor tomorrow.


Driving home from work there was a huge storm with scary lightning and bucketing rain. It should be good for the nearby bushfires. Seeing the lightning and rain reminded me of how powerful God is and the fact that he is able to destroy the whole world in an instant. This both scared me and made me feel awe-ed by God. I'm reminded of that C.S Lewis quote about Aslan that everyone quotes... goes along the lines of... Aslan (God) is dangerous - but wonderful.

From Car-O-Line

Monday, January 22, 2007


I forgot to say that Morris Iemma said may-es-tro instead of maestro at the Domain. How silly.

A Mad Weekend

I met Jen and Bess at Penno at 2:10 and we took the train to St James station where we then walked to the NSW Art Gallery! We got there at 3:30, then decided to look at the paintings. The security guard was quite funny... When we walked in I was saying to Jen "Should we leave our bags at the front?" and the guard was crazilly nodding his head. Hehe... also after we left he was like... "is there something happening over at the Domain today? We heard some music practice before." Poor security guards at the art gallery just sitting in the same place... must be boring at times. There were some really good artworks. I think the one I liked the most was the awesomely huge picture of British cavalry. There was so much depth to it. I also liked this really cool aboriginal painting... I think it was called something like "my paradise." It was really vibrant and beautiful. There were some pretty weird artworks there too... especially this one of this bubble which had a weird face projected on it... and it was saying things like "kill me... kill me now!" There was a funny old lady saying "what is it saying? I can't hear it." Lol. After having all that culture... we went to get our spot for the Symphony in the Domain.

We had a pretty nice spot. We were in full sun from 4 till when the sun went down (possibly 6-7). But none of us got burnt!!! I love sunscreen!!!
Jen in full sun... but not sunburnt!

People who joined us later were Jen's parents, her brother Andrew and Jono. Also some people from the coast that they knew came too. We had a nice picnic dinner of bbq chook and salad on rolls. I also brought some nice cheeses... hehehe... so much culture for one day. Before the music started... me, Jen, Jono and Andrew/MC Rocker/Nathan played 500. I hadn't played 500 in ages! I love it... so much fun. I used to play 500 every free period at school with Jen and Bec. There was a funny round where I think everyone had quite bad cards for anything... I was first to bid... I bid 6 hearts... then the bid was changed to 7 clubs... Jono my partner seemed not happy with hearts of clubs at all... so I then changed the bid to 7 spades. We had a good laugh about it cuz it was such a crazy bid. We almost won! Lost by 2 tricks which was quite surprising.

Does this flash work?

Jen and Caro having fun!

I must say I was quite pleased with the music. And this year they got the fireworks sync-ed really well with the 1812 overture. The cannons are always cool too. Then Jenfaffle's parents drove me home. Ah it was an awesome day.

Church in the morning. Maitland Mission people still not back... so was quiet again.
I went to work in the evening. It was such a crazy crazy night! The first bad thing that happened was the F3 was closed... which meant all traffic around our shop was at a standstill... which meant delivery drivers were in a big dilemma... which meant we had a huge huge line up of pizzas that was just building up and up... and not enough oven to get that all done... so delivery times escalated to 1hr (usually 35 mins)... so people decided to get pick up instead... which meant we had a huge rush of people coming to get their pizzas... which put pick up time to 35 mins (usually 15 mins)... and being a sunday (normally a quiet night)... there were only 2 girls on front (could have easily used 3 girls)... which meant at the end of the night... which I was closing... had a stack of washing and dirt all over the floor. Oh and I forgot to mention the scorching heat... which made our computers overheat... which made them reboot twice... meaning we lost some orders... which meant we had to call back people and handwrite orders. Also lots of people must have had their air con on heaps... which caused a power-surge where our oven kept on starting and stopping. I think our boss nearly had a heart attack... and he's trying to quit smoking! I don't think last night helped. LoL.

Well... I hope that was exciting for all of you.

From Car-O-Line