Monday, January 22, 2007

A Mad Weekend

I met Jen and Bess at Penno at 2:10 and we took the train to St James station where we then walked to the NSW Art Gallery! We got there at 3:30, then decided to look at the paintings. The security guard was quite funny... When we walked in I was saying to Jen "Should we leave our bags at the front?" and the guard was crazilly nodding his head. Hehe... also after we left he was like... "is there something happening over at the Domain today? We heard some music practice before." Poor security guards at the art gallery just sitting in the same place... must be boring at times. There were some really good artworks. I think the one I liked the most was the awesomely huge picture of British cavalry. There was so much depth to it. I also liked this really cool aboriginal painting... I think it was called something like "my paradise." It was really vibrant and beautiful. There were some pretty weird artworks there too... especially this one of this bubble which had a weird face projected on it... and it was saying things like "kill me... kill me now!" There was a funny old lady saying "what is it saying? I can't hear it." Lol. After having all that culture... we went to get our spot for the Symphony in the Domain.

We had a pretty nice spot. We were in full sun from 4 till when the sun went down (possibly 6-7). But none of us got burnt!!! I love sunscreen!!!
Jen in full sun... but not sunburnt!

People who joined us later were Jen's parents, her brother Andrew and Jono. Also some people from the coast that they knew came too. We had a nice picnic dinner of bbq chook and salad on rolls. I also brought some nice cheeses... hehehe... so much culture for one day. Before the music started... me, Jen, Jono and Andrew/MC Rocker/Nathan played 500. I hadn't played 500 in ages! I love it... so much fun. I used to play 500 every free period at school with Jen and Bec. There was a funny round where I think everyone had quite bad cards for anything... I was first to bid... I bid 6 hearts... then the bid was changed to 7 clubs... Jono my partner seemed not happy with hearts of clubs at all... so I then changed the bid to 7 spades. We had a good laugh about it cuz it was such a crazy bid. We almost won! Lost by 2 tricks which was quite surprising.

Does this flash work?

Jen and Caro having fun!

I must say I was quite pleased with the music. And this year they got the fireworks sync-ed really well with the 1812 overture. The cannons are always cool too. Then Jenfaffle's parents drove me home. Ah it was an awesome day.

Church in the morning. Maitland Mission people still not back... so was quiet again.
I went to work in the evening. It was such a crazy crazy night! The first bad thing that happened was the F3 was closed... which meant all traffic around our shop was at a standstill... which meant delivery drivers were in a big dilemma... which meant we had a huge huge line up of pizzas that was just building up and up... and not enough oven to get that all done... so delivery times escalated to 1hr (usually 35 mins)... so people decided to get pick up instead... which meant we had a huge rush of people coming to get their pizzas... which put pick up time to 35 mins (usually 15 mins)... and being a sunday (normally a quiet night)... there were only 2 girls on front (could have easily used 3 girls)... which meant at the end of the night... which I was closing... had a stack of washing and dirt all over the floor. Oh and I forgot to mention the scorching heat... which made our computers overheat... which made them reboot twice... meaning we lost some orders... which meant we had to call back people and handwrite orders. Also lots of people must have had their air con on heaps... which caused a power-surge where our oven kept on starting and stopping. I think our boss nearly had a heart attack... and he's trying to quit smoking! I don't think last night helped. LoL.

Well... I hope that was exciting for all of you.

From Car-O-Line

1 comment:

Jenfafa said...

Wow. What a night at work. Sounds intense.

I was thinking how fun Saturday night was as I was reading your blog! Thanks for making it so much good times! I miss seeing you so often!

We should go to the art gallery again and spend all day looking there and maybe going to the lindt cafe after!
