Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A night in the life of a Pizza Cutter...

Today Barry O'Farrell came into the store and ordered a BBQ meat lovers:
-I thought he was on a diet!
-I've met him before when he lived near church... and he has more white hairs now
-he was looking healthy though

I think I offended him because I asked what his name was to put on the docket... even though I did know who he was... I just needed to make sure it was him... and I didn't want to look starstruck.

me: can I get a name for that?
him: no that's ok
me: (huh? oh he must have misheard me) OH I just need a name for the order
him: OH! It's O'Farrell, Barry, I'm Barry O'Farrell
me: ok thanks... *tries not to look stupid in front of a famous person*

He didn't seem to be in a good mood either... maybe he just got back from a big yelling session with all the other politicians... plus... he's a big leader now! It was a pity though... cuz I wanted to ask him what he did with those agapantha's my dad gave him (among other random questions and friendly chit chat).

Hopefully he liked the pizza and I'll see him again.

From Car-O-Line


Unknown said...

I don't know who he is! I will google him...

Alistair said...

i echo the words of a generation... or the person above as the case may (is) be.


ooOoo cool song "There is nothing like" - Hillsong

ok, i'm going to bed once it finishes.
night night!

psychodougie said...

you should've said something witty, like;
"yeah, meat. right. cause you like raw meat. only you're not brave enough to kill yourself, are ya? like, you let debnam take the job, didn't fight for it then, coz you knew he'd fail, and then you could come in, like some kind of saviour, only i (that's you, caroline) know the truth, you wimp. so that was a roadkill with bbq sauce, was it?"

maybe you did the right thing...