Wednesday, March 14, 2007

to do: stuff

I got my trumpet yesterday! It's shiny and colourful. I played it for a bit this morning... some notes actually came out... and some of them sounded good! I'm happy.

So on the weekend I had my church camp in Morriset. The topic was on prayer and our guest speaker was Anthony Petterson. We talked about why people struggle with prayer nowadays... mainly that culture discourages prayer. Anthony taught us that our understanding of God shapes our understanding and practice of prayer. He explained to us the importance that God has a name: I AM, and what it means... because it always baffled me that someones name could be I AM. To explain what it means... we looked at the footnote reference: "I will be who I will be" which shows that God is who he reveals himself to be. The fact that God has a name also shows that he is a very personal God. Which is awesome. I was saying in a previous post how I think people take prayer for granted. At camp... Anthony pointed out that prayer is a gift by God's grace, it is our relationship with God in action. How cool to be directly in contact with God... through Jesus, in the Spirit.

Those were the big points that stuck out for me. There was other stuff too.

I think I've already realised that uni is going to be a lot busier this year, but I haven't really done anything to make it less busy. There is quite a bit of work that I should be doing now... but I keep on putting it off. I should practice my violin now too. I also need to stop shopping and buying summer clothes... I need winter clothes now.

I bought canvas ages ago to paint something... but I dunno what to paint. I saw some nice tulips at IKEA... I might paint those. Any other ideas? I'm a big fan of still art.

Gah... just realised I should practice for choir too.

This weekend I got the Arts/Colleges getaway. I'm excited. It should be lots of fun! Apparently Lindsay spent 9 hours working out the Saturday night activity... I wonder what it is!

Once I get photos from Church camp... I'll post them up. There are some good ones of the girls in my cabin... kekeke.

From Caroline

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