Friday, November 23, 2007

to blog or not to blog...

that is the question.

I definitely feel the need to blog. I want to blog. And I have lots of things to blog about. And if I don't blog now, I may not be able to blog for two weeks, in which case I'll have to write a most giant blog (because I'll have to fit in Bourke and NTE stuff).

But I am tired. I will try to blog properly tomorrow.

I've just decided in a split second that I'll do a mini blog now.

This week was the 'crazy choir week.' I had rehearsal at 6-9pm on monday and wednesday, and also had rehearsal on thursday, before the actual concert. I think the concert went quite alright. It was fun.

Because I was around uni so much, I got to hang with people (notably Rob). Cler slept over on Sunday night, we got crafty and made a present for a certain 21 year old. It took a little longer than either of us expected... so we didn't get to finish our LOTR (extended edition) marathon, or listen to another 'Love, Sex and Marriage' talk.

And yes... got to hang with Rob a lot. He also had study to do... but now he has no study to do. HOORAY! (yes... this is going to be a very concise blog)

Also before choir concert, I went to Erin's house to make gingerbread people for the choir concert. Warren helped too. We made some hilarious looking things. And also had fun exploding jubes in the oven.

All week I had been writing up a talk on contentment for youth group. I did it tonight. I think it was ok. It was my first ever talk so I think I just need a bit more practice. I think the content was good... and I myself learned a lot just writing the talk. I enjoy writing Bible talks/studies because I learn heaps from it.

Tomorrow is voting day. Elections frustrate me because it's so frustrating. I've been reading stuff on all the parties to be able to make an informed decision. What bugs me is how everything is biased. But then again... bias can sometimes be a good thing. I'm going to attempt to fill in all the boxes below the line again.

well... that's concise enough.

From Car-O-Line

Monday, November 12, 2007

If only I had a proper exam period

Last week was the final week of uni work for 2007 for me. Now before all you students out there start getting jealous that I'm already done, you need to hear me out. On Monday, me and Rob travelled to the State library. It's a pretty scary place... all these forms you need to fill in. And you have to put all your posessions in lockers. And it was so quiet. And for all that travelling... I got to look at one book which was hardly helpful. We then had lunch in hyde park which was very nice. Then we split and I went to visit Cler. We were going to study, but ended up talking about things instead. On Tuesday, I read journal articles like crazy, and wrote a few words. Tried to make up a coherent hypothesis for my essay... but wasn't finalised yet. On Wednesday, I drove to Cler's house and we actually studied... and I wrote a considerable amount of my essay. Unfortunately I forgot to take the music score with me so I was unable to do some analysis (which was going to be a large part of the essay). I then went to uni for choir which was pretty fun. Then me and Erin went to the Rege for some tasty chicken schnitzel... with the best pepper sauce. Then we picked up Warren and his friend and went to get a free slurpee... because it was 7-eleven day. And we got free slurpees! It was very exciting. So exciting that we decided it would be fun to go to a cold park and drink our cold slurpees. Yes... it was freezing. But the swings were good quality. On Thursday, I went to the con library and met Naomi there. I found a whole 3 good books... they were very good... so I photocopied lots of things and highlighted lots of things... and referenced them (no plagiarism for me!). Then we split and I went to Atarmon, where Cler picked me up, and we drove to Rob's house were we had lunch of soup with Rob, Steve and (female-)Sam. It was impressive for guy-cooking. Then Steve brought out his whip and cracked it and we all had to study. It was pretty intense. I got a lot more of my essay done (had the score this time). Then people left... and me and Rob made a dash to the shops to buy some little things... then we started cooking... and people came over! We had dinner and chatted and watched "This is Spinal Tap." It was a fun night... and here is where it gets messy...
Friday. Woke up... quickly wrote the conclusion to my essay which put me within the word limit (yes!) and did a quick edit. Then I had to photocopy score examples and cut and paste them into my essay, then photocopy that, then label them. Then I did the footnoting. I HATE FOOTNOTES!!! I had never done footnoting before... so I got this "how to footnote" guide from the library... and it was pretty clear and easy to understand. But it took such a long long time to get all the references in. I had to run (literally) to the train station to catch the train I needed to catch. I was doing the bibliography on the train and the bus... right up until I got to the main walkway of uni. And even then the assignment wasn't finished... cuz I had to now print off the bibliography... and then I had to put together the listening examples. So my assignment got in 20mins late... I'm still pondering whether I should have just left it to Monday... I can vouch that I didn't do a good job on the assignment on a whole. And after I handed in the assignment and was halfway home... I realised that I had forgot to put on the running word count. GRAWH! I emailed my lecturer to tell him the word count. I just hope I pass this course and wont have to redo it... and that I wont have to resubmit the assignment because that would suck!

I got home just on 6:45... ate dinner quickly, and then went to Thornleigh Baps because they were holding this youth event. It was a weird event. There was all this wussy rock music, and the band were saying "we're all here to worship God" yet none of us knew any of the songs... and the song leaders weren't leading the singing... they were swaying. Then there was a gospel talk... it started with a very very very long story... which was hard to follow... and it didn't help that the speaker had a "70s porno mo" (yes... he called it that). Then when he came to the crunch point... yes... in our leader feedback none of us could agree on what the actual main point was. And I'm not too sure if it was actually sound...

On Saturday I went to Erin's house with Rob and other arts/colleges people to say farewell to Elsie (although no one said farewell... and she was late... and she happily read the newspaper in the corner as we all socialised with each other). Erin and Hayley put on a very very nice spread of food. And we were all stuffed... I didn't need lunch. The weather was nice too.

I'm glad that the weather is looking nicer now. I got to go for a walk today, and hang out the washing... and it was nice to get some sun. Tomorrow is me and Rob's 2 month anniversary. He's got something planned for Wednesday... but I'm not exactly sure what. Should be good :)

From Car-O-Line

Saturday, November 10, 2007

to do:

just a quick blog to say that i am now free of uni for this year... and i need to blog about:

-studying with Cler, Rob, Steve and Sam
-the drama of my last assignment
-back 2 basics youth event thing
-elsie's brunch

From Car-O-Line

Saturday, November 03, 2007

i am alive

please forgive me for neglecting you - my beautiful blog. I do still love you. Although I didn't realise that I still loved you. It was only until I commented back on my post 2 posts ago that my excitement of blogging and it's usefulness in procrastination was revitalised in my mind. Oh and I can write really long sentences which make no sense to anyone but me and my blog will love me for it. oh what a wonderful blog.


yesterday was my last day at uni for the year! (officially... I still have to trek in next friday to hand in an assignment). So I can waste time now! or maybe not quite yet. Gotta write this essay first... but then it'll be holidays. YAY!!! Here are my holiday plans:

-make a bag
-make a dress/skirt
-finish reading "disciplines of a godly woman"
-finish reading "nothing in my hand I bring"
-read either "knowing God" or "decision making and the will of God" (or both... depending on how reading excited I get)
-finish reading my "Bible in a year" (which I was supposed to finish last year... I'm halfway through december at the moment)
-hang out with Rob
-get into a good sleep pattern
-clean my room
-get a filing cabinet for my bountiful amounts of teaching resources
-cut pizzas
-drink tea
-have a bbq
-meet with friends
-go away with friends
-go away with family
-blog about everything

So there you have it.... my "Holiday Blogging" series. Hope you will get excited about it.

I'll also be going to Bourke for this school visit thing.. so I should blog about that too. And there is also NTE (definitely blog-worthy).

From Car-O-Line

p.s: Elsie... this blog was for you :)