Friday, November 23, 2007

to blog or not to blog...

that is the question.

I definitely feel the need to blog. I want to blog. And I have lots of things to blog about. And if I don't blog now, I may not be able to blog for two weeks, in which case I'll have to write a most giant blog (because I'll have to fit in Bourke and NTE stuff).

But I am tired. I will try to blog properly tomorrow.

I've just decided in a split second that I'll do a mini blog now.

This week was the 'crazy choir week.' I had rehearsal at 6-9pm on monday and wednesday, and also had rehearsal on thursday, before the actual concert. I think the concert went quite alright. It was fun.

Because I was around uni so much, I got to hang with people (notably Rob). Cler slept over on Sunday night, we got crafty and made a present for a certain 21 year old. It took a little longer than either of us expected... so we didn't get to finish our LOTR (extended edition) marathon, or listen to another 'Love, Sex and Marriage' talk.

And yes... got to hang with Rob a lot. He also had study to do... but now he has no study to do. HOORAY! (yes... this is going to be a very concise blog)

Also before choir concert, I went to Erin's house to make gingerbread people for the choir concert. Warren helped too. We made some hilarious looking things. And also had fun exploding jubes in the oven.

All week I had been writing up a talk on contentment for youth group. I did it tonight. I think it was ok. It was my first ever talk so I think I just need a bit more practice. I think the content was good... and I myself learned a lot just writing the talk. I enjoy writing Bible talks/studies because I learn heaps from it.

Tomorrow is voting day. Elections frustrate me because it's so frustrating. I've been reading stuff on all the parties to be able to make an informed decision. What bugs me is how everything is biased. But then again... bias can sometimes be a good thing. I'm going to attempt to fill in all the boxes below the line again.

well... that's concise enough.

From Car-O-Line

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