Saturday, April 07, 2007

The Games Manual!

Doug asked me to write a post on instructions of cool games (because those science games are so lame :P)
But alas, I know so many games! So, I'll just list the games I know, and then you can request certain games.

  1. chicken game
  2. watermelon game
  3. big tractor
  4. bucky bunny
  5. pass the beat a round the room
  6. stupid
  7. orchestra game with conductor
  8. carrots
  9. alien
  10. pear
  11. G'Day Bruce
  12. Grand Master Sensei
  13. Giants, Wizards and Pixies
  14. I'm a celebrity
  15. Evolution
  16. Family Serious
From Car-O-Line

p.s: I went to an "all the meat you can eat" restaurant the other day with Naomi... and it made me think of all my guy friends who would have loved it so much.


Katty*B said...

I taught Doug 'shuffle your pumpkins/bums' at youth group a few weeks ago. It was fun, not too many injured bottoms either. Do you remember it from iscf conf? hehe

mmm meat...

have a wonderful easter!!!
love kat xox

Anonymous said...

Heya, its jeremy from phbc.. and you forgot the all time fav game... the animal game!!!! awww hahahaha

well anyways have a good wk!! :]]]