Friday, May 18, 2007

My promised blog to Jen

Well I haven't blogged in ages... I've been trying to be good and restrict internet activity so that I could do uni assignments. I've done quite a few so far... but still got heaps to go (after this week it will be cruisy-er)

At the moment... this is the most exciting thing happening in my life:

Doesn't it look the coolest?

Anyways... I've been having some dramas... For a long while I didn't have a prac school to go teach at but I've got one now which is very comforting (but scary at the same time). I'm also a bit behind on my work. This weekend I was supposed to go to this weekend away for CBS-stuff but I decided that I should stay home and do work. It's sad that I can't go... but I think I need the weekend at home. I also wont be working for the next week at pizzacutters.

Next week I have choir rehearsals almost every night (and quite late too). Hopefully I'll get a lot of things dones this weekend so that I wont have to stress during the week. Lack of sleep hasn't been too good either.

I've also been finding it sad not having a personal bible quiet time. I'm so close to finishing reading the whole entire bible... but still so far. I have been getting a lot of bible reading done daily though (with church, switch, bible study and CBS stuff)... but you get a little something different from a personal quiet time.

Uni holidays and MYC are coming up rapidly... they are my motivation for getting stuff done now!

The other day someone asked me how I was going in my singleness... and I guess I'm doing smashingly well. It hasn't really crossed my mind lately that I'm single and that it may be a problem. I'm content with life.

We are singing Handel's Samson which is sounding quite nice.
Tickets are $20/$17/$14 (adults/senior/concession)
we are singing with a professional orchestra so it will be rocking!

I am so into craft at the moment. I recently made something... but I cannot share it on the internet because it's 'special.'

My bed calls....

From Car-O-Line


Anonymous said...

the MYC vid was funny :P

yay that you have a school to prac at (is it the block prac?)

CleR said...

im really appreciating the amount of time i have to spend on the train travelling. this is a good time to read the bible or spend time praying. =)

Jenfafa said...

hello. you blogged :)

good to hear all you said.
are you coming sat?

Miss you,


Saair said...

Could the craft be related to a certain Miss Yager???

Hi Caro!!! Long time no chat/see. Sad that you couldn't go away because of uni overload. Prayerfully it will all get done in the time needed.

Hope to see you at Jen's thingy and hopefully we can catch up too :D