Friday, May 25, 2007


I am officially behind in my work (yet I blog). I got home from uni at 10:30pm after choir practise and went to bed. Then this morning I had to go to the doctors with dad in St Leonards so I couldn't get anything done this morning. I am glad though that I went with dad because he was very nervous and I think he appreciated me being there. The doc said that they have no idea what is wrong with dad because the test results and symptoms don't add up. If only House was a real doctor. I also had my trumpet test today... had a little time to practise before going to the doctors (may have woken up neighbours) and then I practised just before my test. I think I practised too much because when I got into the exam my throat just closed up and my lips wouldn't stay tight... I didn't do too bad though. So yes... I'm going to hand in my essay on monday. I figured I could hand it in today, unedited, way under word count, crappy but Iain would probably just then get me to resubmit it... so hopefully I'll do some good on it this weekend (I actually don't have much time this weekend either... got my violin test on monday morning).

well I have to go tutor... sigh... but my student recently came first in her class. I'm so proud.

From Car-O-Line

1 comment:

Alistair said...

a comment for caro!

keep up the work!

cause uni is fuuun!