Thursday, November 25, 2004

Ulcers, salt, beauty, pain and cumquats

WOW! Over 300 people have visited this blog. Thanks for all coming and posting comments.
Did my audition today. He said it was good enough. So that's good. Just have to wait on my UAI now.
What else interesting has been happening? OOOO I know now...
Has anyone every put salt on an ulcer before? I just got an ulcer from not drinking enough water so I put some salt on it cuz ulcers heal quicker when you put salt on them. EXCRUCIATING PAIN! But it was ok because after about 10 seconds your mouth goes into shock and you can't feel the pain anymore. Beauty is pain (even though the inside of your mouth is never really that pretty... like the underside of your tongue looks really gross).
Well I think I've blabbed on for a bit now. As soon as anything good happens I'll let you know.
from Car-O-Line
p.s: cumquat with salt tastes good

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