Tuesday, January 16, 2007

sudden urge to blog

wow.. it's like 12:02am on a tuesday morning and I just got the sudden urge to blog... don't know why.

I watched V for Vendetta yesterday. I think it's a very good movie that a lot of people should see. I also think that Christians should watch it because of the confronting ideas that are raised in it (eg: Christians are under a totallian regime and have no free thought). I thought one important message in the movie is that your faith can't be a product of something someones told you. You need to know why you believe.

I watched another movie today... well... it wasn't really a movie... but it went on for 90 mins... and it wasn't a tv show either... so I hear you say: "what was it?" It was the presentation of the new iphone by Steve Jobs at the mac conference. Gosh I didn't expect it to go on for so long... I must admit that I drifted off a couple of times... but it is an AWESOME phone/ipod/internet-thing. And what surprised me the most was that it would sell for US$499 which is pretty cheap for something with those features (including multi-touch screen... which is so cool!!!). Ok... so does this make me a nerd?

I was also thinking this arvo that I could be a much better leader to my youth group girls. Compared to my old leader who was awesome... I think I need to be bolder and not be afraid too confront my girls with things I think they do which don't honour God... man being a leader has heaps of responsibilities... it's like being a parent to 15 kids. I'm not ready to be a parent!!! I should talk to old people more on how to lead the kids better.

I realised today that I'll need to fork out at least $400 bucks this month... so no more spending for me. It's very good I have a job now... but I'm worried about how things will pan out once uni starts. The last time I had a job alongside uni was in first year... and I quitted that job because it was too hard to keep up. But maybe now that I'm used to the whole uni thing... it'll be ok. I've told the boss I'll be available 3 days a week... which leaves me one free day... which'll probably be taken by a church bible study. I considered not going to a church bible study... but Cler said I should. I'm thinking 2 shifts of work a week will be good.

Can't remember if I blogged this (I'm always having deja vu nowadays)... but my uni timetable screwed up again... because they cancelled the tute that I picked. So I had to go searching for another subject. There were no music or education (my arts) subjects that fitted... so I decided to have a look back at linguistics (an arts subject that I did in first year)... and there were 2 interesting courses available. I picked the one which allowed me to have a day off keke. It'll be my last arts subject anyways... so I don't really care (I just need to pass!)

haha... I read back on my diary from last year... and I was such a nerd! I was always studying and writing plans and to-do lists... no wonder my results improved. I should keep up with that.

man... i'm really going to have to make an effort to fit in violin practice. And need to fit in some one-on-one times. I'll have to do all my work on the train and at uni.

ok... my blogging urge has gone (I know this because for 5 mins I just forgot that I was blogging and got distracted by my timetable... kekeke)

From Car-O-Line


Jono said...

hey... I thought I would blog just to let you know I'm still an avid fan of your blog and come almost every day :-) mmmm I want to see you again.. you coming to the domain again like last year? I think thats where I met you... mmm not sure....

oh well good that it looks like your having fun.. catch ya!!

Unknown said...

Hey Caro-B :)

My old leaders were exceptionally awesome as well! I feel the same way as you do in that respect...