Sunday, January 07, 2007

My Exciting New Year

Monday 1st
Me and Cler slept at about 4am (after she dropped Euge and Mark home). So we were pretty buggered. Unfortunately... my aunt from the US wanted to wish us a happy new year at 8am... and mum (tucked in bed) let me run out of bed to pick up the phone. Then mum and her sister chatted (very loudly... in true malasian/asian female manner) for an hour... so I sorta just lay in bed for that hour half asleep (me and Cler remember laughing at something my mum and aunt said... but forgot what it was... haha!). I got out of bed at about 9.30... Mum and Elsie were having a lovely chat about me and other things. As soon as they saw me... topic changed! LoL. Cler and Jess came out a little later. Jess and Elsie left at about 12... then I just lazed around... Cler went back to sleep. After visiting my uncle and his dogs (and the rest of the family) me and Cler went to Tashie's 20th birthday party. (Oh no... I'm getting the feeling that I've already blogged about this before! A double post!!! What will I do? Meh...). We ate some lovely food... then we played pictionary. Then we ate some tasty cake. Then we sat around and chatted. Then some people left... and the party crew (ie church people) stayed and took some funny photos. It was a fun time.

Tuesday 2nd
yeah... lack of sleep = I can't remember what I did on this day. Chances are that I just sat on the couch and stared aimlessly into the sky.

Wednesday 3rd
I spent about 2 hours trying to enroll for uni. It took me so long because I had to pick which courses to do... then find out that they wouldn't fit my timetable... then pick new courses... then find out I wasn't allowed to do them... then pick new courses... and decide I didn't like going to uni for 5 days with only 10 hours... then pick new courses... and get an ok timetable. It's looking like I'll have Mondays off (which is nice) and 18 hours (including subjects, cbs stuff and music ensembles). Now just gotta work out which day I wanna have bible study and which day I wanna have violin lesson... and which day I can tutor my neighbour and teach violin to Grace. Oh the dilemma of organising yourself.

Thursday 4th
Went to Cler's house in the late afternoon... then we travelled by train to Cathy's house... before setting out for Ichi-ban Boshi in the Galleries Victoria. While waiting to be seated for dinner... we browsed kinokunyia (sp?) which I've never been to before. It's an awesome store... I reckon it's better than Borders! I wanna go back and buy stuff now. Then we had our tasty dinner. We possibly ordered too much because we were starving (but we could have ordered more entree... luckily we didn't). Then we browsed JB Hi Fi for a little while. Jen will be proud to know that I bought Human Nature's Mowtown album. I figured it would be good as a teaching aid. I also got Coldplay Rush of Blood to the Head. Then... since our food had digested... we went to Gloria Jeans for coffee (or should I say wannabe coffee?). Then we walked back to Cathy's place... played this funny National Geographic game... then me and Cler went back to her place. We both journalled... then we sorta went to bed... chatted for a while... Cler introduced me to all her soft toys (and boy there were a lot!) and then she introduced me to Mandy's giant microbes. They are so cool! I so wanna collect them now!!! Will cost me a fortune though... they cost $8.06 from uni and there are over 20 different microbes. Me and Cler ended up staying up till 3am.

Friday 5th
Woke up surprisingly early from Cler's bright bright room. Had breakfast and then walked to Chatty Westfield. Went to this awesome craft store (I wanna start scrapbooking now) and bought all this nice paper and charms and stickers for Tashie's birthday present. We made her a personalised journal with photos and musical charms and a spot for her CD of the week and some spare blank manuscript for when she gets creative. It was very pretty and both me and Cler decided that we wanted one. LOL.

Saturday 6th
Woke up later than I should have... then walked to Elly's house for a girly hang-out to celebrate Elly's birthday. We watched 3 movies (Raising Helen, Take the Lead and In Good Company) and ate lots of fried food. It was a nice time. Take the Lead is a pretty cool movie. We all got into a dancing mood so we danced to Kylie's greatest hits. We also took lots of silly photos with Elly's phone.

Sunday 7th
The first church service for the new year... which also meant a new starting time of 1oam. I was on music so I had to be there early... turned out when I got there no one else was there... so I think I just sat there for 20mins waiting for other musos to come. We looked at the importance of prayer. Our church camp theme is also going to be on prayer. I'm looking forward to having a prayer focus at church. Then I had a lovely nap in the afternoon... set my alram clock for 3am so I wouldn't be late for switch leaders meeting... was woken up by an sms from Cler asking where I was... realised that I should have set my alarm for 3pm. Made it to the meeting only 30mins late. We talked about what we wanted to do with our kids this year based on where we saw their needs were. It's sounding quite exciting. I'm looking forward to it. I reckon I'll be learning a lot with them as well.

and now I'm here.

From Car-O-Line


CleR said...

HA! u havent even seen the rest of my toy collection! (its currently in storage coz theres no space to put them) u only saw a small minority of my great collection my friend. a small minority. =P

Alistair said...


Hey caro! Interesting blog putting multiple dates in the one entry!

Chowder! I think i will organise some kind of get together for soon :D
the idea just struck me then! Then i can see you!! :D :D