Monday, December 11, 2006

the machine and life

I've been working quite a bit now... doing heaps and heaps of close shifts. I feel like I've been doing it forever now... don't need to keep on checking the list of things to do before close. I even had to supervise this girl who was on her second shift! Tonight I met boss no. 3... he's a quiet boss... doesn't talk much at all... but still quite friendly... and not stressful! He's funny... it wasn't a very busy night (but enough stuff to do so you weren't standing around)... and he gave out this big sigh. For some reason it seemed humorous... I'm not sure why. I missed out on seeing the bad boss last week because I had:


It was so much fun. It all started at 5pm when me and Queenie set up the switch room with lots of fairy lights and tea light candles and a Christmas tree and Christmas stockings and a reindeer. I must say I thought the place looked pretty swish... I love fairy lights. Then... people started arriving at 6.30... the theme of the night was half formal:
"The art of integrating both casual and formal attire into an intriguing ensemble. It does not refer to only dressing half your body - that would just be weird and slightly inappropriate."
Haha! Luckily everyone was fully clothed. The winner of the people's choice for best dressed was Baz (looking very much like someone from manpower) and I won the chef's wooden spoon award for best dressed. I wore a blue polo and lime jeans with a black cocktail dress on top. It didn't look that weird. I would wear it again if I had the chance. Once we got seated to our tables... we had trivia questions to complete while eating our three course meal:


Pumpkin Soup
Roast Lamb or Roast Pork with Roasted vegetables
Christmas Pudding with Custard

We also had to give tasks to other tables to complete... this was all in the hope of getting the most game points for our table in order to win some tobolerone and lindt chocolates. I think our table came second last. It's because no-one gave us tasks that were embarassing. People on the other tables had to sing and dance which was very funny. Some really good pictures (and some which are just a little disturbing). Someone send me pics so I can blog them up! (Cler... this means YOU!)

With all this fun and excitement going on in my life... my quiet times have been very very quiet (ie: non-existant) but good ole Rob reminded me today to read. I'm going through Matthew at the moment (finally some NT... you'd think I'd be more excited and be reading non stop!). Read an interesting/cool passage today... Matt 19:1-12... another good passage for anyone struggling with singleness... Jesus basically says that singleness is a gift and if you can accept it... you should for the Kingdom of Heaven... a mighty cause if you ask me.

Ok... I've been definately running on a lack of sleep. Must sleep now!

From Car-O-Line

1 comment:

CleR said...

eehehhe.. yesyes.. good times... though somewhat scarred.. u shud be glad u didnt see that part. but lucky me had a birds-eye view of the whole affair.......

and with the pics.. i may have held the cam 1/2 the night, but i dont have them! (but never fear.. clarinda is here and will get those pics of the euge soon enough ;P)