Sunday, December 03, 2006


ok... so it turns out that just like Cler... I have a bad boss and a good boss.

There is the big boss... who is always stressed out... which creates a very stressful environment... which I don't work well in... which means he gets annoyed at me... which stresses me... which makes me annoy him more... which makes him more stressed = bad!
The other boss... is the younger brother of the big boss. He is a bit more laid back, less stressed, more friendly and more fun to work with. When I work with him nothing seems to go wrong at all. (Funny how the environment affects you).
I work more with the lil boss more than the big boss which is good... I only work with the big boss on Saturday (which just so happens to be the busiest and most stressful night). Oh well... hopefully I'll get through this.

So yeah... yesterday was a bad day at work which just turned my already grossly bad day into an even worse day. I came home and watched Harry Potter which cheered me a bit (Ahhh the teenage angst of Hermione, Harry and Ron).

From Car-O-Line

1 comment:

CleR said...

LOL noice! go harry potter;)
yeah.. ujust gotta put up with the bad bosses. least u dont have to work with the bad one every day..=\