Thursday, December 28, 2006

shock horror!

I just found out that my old 3/4 violin was a stradivarius copy. NO WONDER IT SOUNDED SO DAMN GOOD AND I LOVED IT SO MUCH!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I SOLD IT. I WANT IT BACK SO BAD! Actually... I think I'll live without it... but I do still love it.

anyways... now that I have that out of my system... it's looking like bad weather for the next week... or so my mum/weather forcaster says. Supposed to go to the beach tomorrow... hope that can still happen.

I've finished reading Mark. In Mark you see all the different sides to Jesus... he really is quite a complicated man. Now I'm on to Luke. Just read about how Jesus stayed in the temple and kept his parents up for 3 days worrying about where he was. I was trying to work out if Jesus was being disobedient (and therefore not being perfect... but he must be perfect?!). I think I came to the conclusion that he wasn't being disobedient, because he says "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" Plus, Mary and Joseph may have forgotten to ask Jesus to come home with them. What are other people's thoughts?

Dad bought a digital tv set top box for us. And as usual... I was the one who had to install it. Electronic things can cause quite the dramatic scene. In the end... got the tv working... then had to try to get the dvd to work... and it's working now... but only just. I don't know why Mum and Dad always beg me to install these things... really... I know nothing!

My holiday from work has been bliss. I finished watching the first season of "Scrubs" today (took me 2 days... could have done it in one though). I also watched all the bonus material. It's good.

From Car-O-Line

1 comment:

CleR said...

u have scrubs?

hehe. so uve been scrub-bing it up hey? ;P
i do feel like fresh-ing it up right now actually.. but i know i wont want to stop.. and i have stuff to do, places to go, people to see today.. sigh.. another day