Thursday, October 26, 2006

many wonders of the uni world

There is so much to blog about. But I can't remember all that I need to blog! I'll just start and see where I end up :P

This week was the beginning of my busy season. I already had my keyboard test on monday. I think I screwed it up pretty bad. Played my improv in wrong key which totally put me off my other improv which was almost non-existent... so much for doing it in a style. Then three days of nothing until my 3 tests and one assignment tomorrow.

I've been practicing violin quite a lot. Practicing with Sam as well... there is this one piece which is really hard to play together. I've been practicing by myself and it's all been happy-go-lucky... but when I have to add Sam in... gah! So much more to think about. I think we sorta got it down-pat now though. Going to practice with him again tomorrow.

I've also been practicing my clarinet. I think there is something wrong with my reed... plus the fact that I haven't practiced in ages... so it's very squeaky. I played over the songs over and over again... 'over the break' isn't as bad now. So it should be ok.

Today I wrote my 500 words of Australia Ensemble review bliss. I was quite happy with it. It was less mechanical than my other reviews... hopefully the marker will have a bit more fun reading it. Not that it's worth anything though... you see if I don't do it... I loose 5%, but if I do do it... I gain nothing (except for 'music journalism' skills... pfft!).

Tomorrow I also have my Harmony and Aural tests. I been keeping up to date in class and understanding it all, and our lecturers are very good at making us practice our skills to make sure we've caught the drift. So those tests shouldn't be too bad... it will just be like doing class exercises.

Then on the weekend I've got to cram my gen-ed notes for the test on monday. Hopefully wont have to do much... it's only multiple choice anyways... and from my previous posts... you would have seen that I've enjoyed and learnt much stuff from that course.

Tuesday is my violin test... so will continue to practice hard. Had a scales/study lesson with my teacher tonight. He said it's looking pretty good. I've also heard that my examiner is an easy marker... so that should boost my marks a bit. But I would have actually preferred to get a marker who was fair... so I can know what exactly they want me to improve in and all that jazz.

Tuesday is also the CBS party!!! I'm excited about it. CBS has been really good this year. I can't get enough of it. It's like you can be on that Christian high all year round... and ever since MYC... I've met lots of cool Christian people who are really encouraging and cool.

Then on Friday I have my Music Literature test... you know... that dreaded test that everyone dreads (yeah... we really do dread it... dread dread dread) because we have to listen to 20hrs of music, memorise how it sounds, and all this almost useless information about it. I've listened to about 11hrs of music. But that's ok... because the way this test works is... we get tested on half of the list in S1 (ie: 10hrs of music) and then get tested on the whole list (ie: the 20hrs) in S2. So I just need to refamiliarise myself with the music from S1... and listen to a few more pieces from the S2 list. But definately need to listen to the music non-stop from wednesday and keep on repeating composition dates in my head.

Then when that's all done... I'm going to re-listen to all my education motivation lectures because I was hardly awake in any of them... and I need to take notes so that I will actually pass the exam. Motivation has totally been a blur since mid-sem break. For a course on motivation... the lecturers aren't very motivating. But I guess that comes with the fact it's an Arts course.

Has anyone heard Sandi Thom's "I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair"? I think it's a cool song. She has a cool voice. I like how there is really simple accompaniment so you can just hear her voice. Go tambourines!

Oh and the coolest funniest thing of my week (no I didn't bump my head on the train again)... the Neopolitan Dynamic video from the MYC Live 06 cd. It is so so funny! I showed a couple of my friends but they didn't really get it (partly because some of them hadn't seen Napoleon Dynamite, or they didn't go to UNSW). But I think it's hilarious. I must have watched it 10 times already. The recorded live music from MYC is pretty cool too... saves me buying a EMU cd. kekeke. It has good songs on it (except for the suspect songs 'till your time' and 'oh how dark the night'... I'm not really sure what they are on about). Finally got "Before the Throne of God Above." That is definately my song for the year... ever since WKC... it's just the maddest song... and Hebrews ROCKS!!!

favourite non-christian song at the moment: New Slang - The Shins
favourite violin song at the moment: Appasionato - Josef Suk
favourite music literature song at the moment: Violin Concerto in E minor - Mendelssohn
favourite bible book at the moment: Daniel 3, "God is able to save us... but if he doesn't... we don't care... because our God rocks and you suck" - Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to King Neb.
favourite Neopolitan Dynamic quote: "Do you think anybody's going to refuse the gospel while I'm holding one of these bad boys? Forget about it!" - Ben Gooley, SOCM trainer.

From Car-O-Line

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Caroline!!

Is that Sam you mentioned Sam D who plays the violin?? What's happened to him?? I was just thinking about him the other day and wondered if he'd disappeared off the face of the planet since I haven't seen him at all this session...

I say Go Tambourines! as well! (hey if I had a band I'd call it Go Tambourines). Elliot asked me if I could play an instrument for Challenge Conference. I said Tambourine. He said no :(

The Neopolitan Dynamic video is very funny indeed. I thought Ferianto's (the Indonesian guy with MY laptop! Yes, its MY laptop and my laptop bag and it doesn't get any credit in the film...anyway...) moustache was real in the video but apparently its drawn on! I still think it looks real...I have the original Ben G clip :) Cracks me up real good!

And I really like the recorded live music too! I don't like a lot of Christian CDs, but this one I really like. Its good background and shower music and I can actually sing along to most of them!

I wish you were coming on NTE!! It would be so much fun to hang out together *sob*sob* (no pressure! I understand why you're not coming!)