Monday, January 02, 2006

We've only just begun...

It's true! We've only just begun (2006 that is).

::new years eve::
On new years eve I went over to Clarinda's house where we ate food and played lots of eyetoy3. We could also see the fireworks from her balcony which was cool. Most people left at about 12.30... then me and Cler continued to play eyetoy till 2am. So we eventually got to bed at 2:30. Not too bad! I even stayed awake all through church.

::new years day::
In church we looked at Peter's 'failed resolution' in Mark where he said he wouldn't betray Jesus... yet he did pretty badly! It's just like our world today, we say we aren't gonna do this or we say we will do something... but then forget to. But even in our faulty world... God forgives us. And his forgivness is so great! So thank God!

I then went and saw "The Chronicals of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe." It was fully excellent. I really enjoyed it. The story is so amazing... and then you remember that it actually happened (cuz it is a Christian allegory) and then the story just seems so much better! I'm going to go and see it again with my parents. The kids acted surprisingly well and they worked so well together. And the White Witch was actually pretty scary... even though she didn't really look it at first. Oh and the landscapes!!! Cair Paravel was so pretty.

Today I played with my dogs, then watched some tv, then ate lunch, then went on the net and googled 'narnia.' I put together a couple of nice pics I found into a wallpaper. If you want it... take it:
It's a bit rough but anyway... it's messy in an arty way.

Oh and today I also put into place my new years resolution:
1) Get organised with weekly timesheets and study plans (that last bit hasn't started cuz I have nothing to study yet!)
2) Read the bible in a year (I got this lil guide thing which splits the Bible into daily readings. Because I didn't get to start yesterday, I read yesterday's and today's readings today)

Well I think that's enough from me!

From Car-O-Line

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey car-o-line :D
how are u???????????????? oh i haven't seen u in so long!!! (}) i hope u are going well. oh guess what? i just went hiking with some people from ur churchie! :) :) they are super dooper nice. anyway i hope u stick to ur new years resolutions - best of luck :D - and that you will have a beautiful, blessed 2006 :D
Lots of Love,
oLLie :) xox