Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Feeling full in many ways.

Hey there everyone!
I'm feeling really full at the moment because I had lunch of kfc just 4 hours ago and just had dinner of lasagne which is always filling. I had something interesting that I wanted to share with you all but I've forgotten what it was. How sad for us all. I decided that I won't upload a picture today because I don't want to overload my blog with very cool pictures.... otherwise when I run out of very cool pictures you will all be overly dissappointed. I hope you aren't overly dissappointed now. Emails are good. I just got an email from an old friend. It was a long email, and I replied with a long email. It made me feel good. You guys should try it some time. It's very fulfilling writing a long reply to someone. That's all from me today!
From Car-O-Line

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Food is good!!!! And tasty!!!! I think you are very funny, although it's not always the things you say but the way you say them.....
eg: "Oh knitting, thats so cute. What are you knitting?" asks me
"A square" says you!!! Plus need I remind you of what you were saying at Waitara after Disney on Ice??? Hehhe =D I like your blog and i left a comment on one of your earlier entries too.