Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Fun and Games

Howdy Hi-Ho.
I went to Jen's house yesterday... after going to Hornsby where I got new swimmers for holidays, new jeans cuz old ones had a hole and other amenmities. I am going to miss my old jeans. They were so soft and comfy. But I think I sat somewhere bad cuz not the bum pocket has come off. I'm going to cry!
I went and saw Jen today as well. So did lots of other people (ie my friends). We had a lovely time tickling everyone and playing with the dogs and eating junk food and watching movies (I am Sam and Finding Nemo). I am Sam is a good movie. Sean Penn acted well in it. But whenever I see that girl I think of a scary albino. She looks stuck up.
I was playing literati with Jen and Alistair tonight. I wonder where it got it's name from (the game that is). Some board games have such weird names. Like Mancala... what does that mean? Does it have something to do with a man who turned into a... something? And scabble is a weird name. It makes you think of scrambling up something but you don't really... it's more of a sorting out the letters game. Like don't you think that sorletter would be a better name? Maybe I should make up a game! Oh wait I already have! (with my church friends that is)
Let me introduce you to CYR! (pronounced sigh-ah, short for cover your royalties). It's a card game... basically, what you do is when you see certain cards (King, Queen, Jack, Ace) you have to cover your appropriate 'royalty.' We should play it one day.
from Car-O-Line
p.s: pencils are the new pens!

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