Sunday, October 31, 2004

What's up (besides the sky)

Ok sorri guys but now I'm going to start rubbing it in.
At first, finishing the HSC before everyone was pretty boring... I was forced to walk to Beecroft and Pennant Hills to apply for jobs. And I got one! Well.... not a real one but it's some extra pocket money. I have to tutor this 6 year old on her reading. And she is very cute so it's fun!
I've also been spending a lot of time playing airline tycoon. If you don't know what it is... they type it in google and find out you lazy ppl! And if you are too lazy... I'll tell you now... kekekeke! It's basically a game like the Sims where you have to run an airline company and order flights and buy planes and sabotage competitors planes. It might seem lame... thats cuz it is... but it's one of those addictive games... and now that I've found out all these cheats... I'm making lots of money and so now it's even more fun cuz I'm winning and I'm not in 2 million dollars debt.
Well that was the past two days... now today... the fun stuff!!!
I went to church and then to the beach with church friends! It was heaps cool! Nice and sunny and the water was freezing... but then my body seemed to go numb and it all turned out good. I feel very clean now after swimming in salt water.
Well there you go... Have I rubbed the salt into the wounds enough?
I'll talk to you laters
from Car-O-Line
p.s: beach bathrooms are gross~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey this is chris...too good to use zorpia are we?? good on you for finding job^^ now you can help me find one^^