Friday, August 06, 2010

Food, Bible and Work

I was just thinking to myself, that ever since Masterchef stopped screening on tv, my Bible reading has been going down. Because I was so religious in watching Masterchef that I had to make the point of having Bible before Masterchef.

Anyways, I did manage to read some Bible this morning. I was reading some proverbs that were talking about work - and the repeated idea in those proverbs was that you work so that you can eat (Prov 16:26, 19:15, 20:13, 27:23-27).

So yes, it has got me thinking about work. You see next year I'll be doing MTS at my church which is very exciting. However it also makes school work at the moment less exciting. Though I need to remember that I still need to work hard and not be idle at school as this is pleasing to God (2 Thes 3:6-10). I also need to not make an idol of work, seeking the kingdom of God before career. Does that make sense?

From Car-O-Line


Unknown said...

Woah! You're doing MTS! How excitement! Part-time? Full-time? You gonna do a newsletter and all :)

Caroline said...

I'll be doing full time. And will deffos put you on the mailing list (if you don't mind)