Wednesday, December 24, 2008

New member to my family

Introducing Jettison (Jet) Finn Barker. My early Christmas present from Cler. It's a Siamese Fighter fish and from my research I think it is a crown-tail breed (or possibly delta). It has beautiful colours and it is very difficult to take a picture of him. But here are my poor attempts anyways:

He's blue and red... and has a sometimes shiny silver colour.

Keep still I'm trying to take a photo!!!

Oooo nice silhouette.

From Car-O-Line


Unknown said...

What an awesome name for a little fishy!! Can't wait to hear the names of your (possible) future kids :P

CleR said...

Very good CazzaB! He is a Crown Tail!

Aww.. He looks so happy to be part of the Barker Family =) (Remember to feed him today!)