Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas cards...

What are they for? Who do YOU send them to?

I find that Christmas cards are a waste of paper. In the past I sent Christmas cards to everyone... people I saw everyday. But now I'm starting to think that they are more for sending to people who you don't see often and want to wish them a merry Christmas. So what is the purpose of a Christmas card?

And what do you write on a Christmas card? Do you write a long spiel? Or do you just write a simple greeting. Or do you write a special Christmas letter update from your year with your card? I guess it depends on how many cards you are going to send.

And will you get offended if you don't get a Christmas card? I'm sure there are people who send me Christmas cards because I sent them one last year. Will you be offended if I don't reply with one?

Is there a history to Christmas cards? When was the first Christmas card sent? Why did they send it? What country do Christmas cards originate from?

Do you not send Christmas cards? Why don't you send Christmas cards? How did you decide that you weren't going to send them? Do you do something in place of sending Christmas cards?

What do you do with your Christmas cards after Christmas? Do you recycle them straight away? Do you keep them for a few years before you recycle them? Do you keep them forever and put them in a scrap book?

Is it ok to give a really good friend a Christmas present without a card attached?

Could you give someone a gospel of Luke instead of a Christmas card? Would it be the same as giving a Christmas card?

This year I'm giving hugs and smiles instead of cards... although I'll send some cards. I'm pretty lazy and usually feel compelled to write long messages in cards (yet I'm never sure of what to write) so it's easier to not write cards.


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