Friday, April 04, 2008

on a blog roll

If you actually visit my blog site, you'll notice that the whole layout/background/style has changed. I'm glad I did computer studies in high school and did that website design general education course at uni because now I'm quite familiar with html stuff... and even though I may not know the exact codes needed, I know how to organise tags which blogger provides and put them in the right places. One thing that's been baffling me though is getting the title of each blog post become a link to the permament site of the post. I looked at the codes needed and included these in... but it hasn't been working. If anyone knows what I should do... please send me a message.

Tonight at youth group we had a girls night (while the boys did manly things). One thing us girls did was do facials. I had this lovely cucumber and yoghurt mask... and it felt really good. I felt so awake after it... if you are tired I recommend you try it.

Cucumber and Yoghurt facial recipe:
blend 1/2 a cumcumber with 2 tablespoons of plain yoghurt. Then put it on your face.

Very simple! A good website with very easy facial recipes is

Tomorrow I have two 21st birthday parties. The first one that I'm going to has a 'bogan' theme, and the second party has a 'chic' theme. I have two different costumes for both, just gotta try and work out when I'm going to change. It's going to be a little tight travelling between the parties.

I finished another uni assignment today which was good. Now just got to do a lot of reading. I also need to try and neaten up my lecture notes so that they are understandable.

From Car-O-Line

1 comment:

CleR said...

wow.. i so dont remember anything from computing classes!! haha

btw.. u might want to change my blog link... i dont use xanga anymore. i've migrated to blogspot.