Sunday, June 15, 2008


I haven't blogged in a while... I miss blogging.

Yesterday I went to a sci-fi/fantasy 21st party. Me and Rob dressed as star trek people. I may have photos eventually. It's fun to dress up.

I've been sick for the past week. Had a killer throat for a few days... then I lost my voice. I'm slowly getting my voice back.

The other day I was thinking about blogging something interesting... but I've forgotten what that was now.

Cler made me sign up to this thing called twitter. My twitter site is

I'm organising the Women's Katoomba Convention group from my church and it's proving to be a challenging task. But it's not that stressful... I think switch camp organising was more stressful.

Next semester I'll be on prac. I've basically finished my university education which is sorta sad. I didn't really realise it when I finished last session that I wouldn't really see a lot of my uni friends any time soon. Must do things in the holidays. I'll be back at uni in September.

Tonight, Battle of the Choirs is on. I'm excited about it :) I've been really into choral music lately. There is a song called The Boxer which I reckon would be good for a boys choir. I've also been feeling like orchestration. What I really should be doing is studying for my exams.

This has been a quick and mediocre update
From Car-O-Line

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