Monday, March 27, 2006

A Wongala Burger-Packed Weekend

Church is Cool!!!

Recently I've been hanging around church A LOT! My whole weekend is filled up with church stuff... and I'm realling enjoying it. It all starts on friday.....

Youth Group! For the past few weeks... we've been studying the book of Job... it was interesting... but maybe not that applicable to the new people. Last friday we took the whole youth group up to circular quay because we've finished the study series. The leaders there were Me, Cler, Jonny, Josh, Forgie and Eugene. Cler and Forgie missed the train by about 10 seconds... so I had to look after the 20 girls there. We walked around the Opera House a couple of times... got 'professional' pictures taken by Euge, ate ice cream and ate maccas. Then we all went back to church... Gosh my girls are noisy! But I'm glad they had fun. Once we got back and all the kids were gone... the leaders stayed back and watched Howl's Moving Castle on the big screen. The movie was quite long and we were all a bit tired but we all had a couch/mat each and we just lazed about. There were quite a few funny parts. The Turnip Head guy was cool. We also had krispy kremes which was a bonus (thx Forgie and Cler!). One other friday... all the leaders (exept Cler) went to maccas because we were hungry. We had a nice long d&m. So recently, fridays end at 2am. Cler likes to sleep over on fridays.

Used to be my lazy day but 2 weeks ago... I went to a ministry training day called SCCCA which is a chinese church training event at moore college. All of the switch leaders (Grace, Cler, Jonny, Josh, Forgie and Eugene [+ me]) went up. Our church isn't chinese but there sure are a lot of chinese people in our church... and seeing that the event was free... we decided to tag along. Then after that... we went to church to hang out and play board games. Citadels is like one of the best games ever! Cler likes to sleep over on Saturdays too! My house is like her second home now. She has her own bed here and keeps her sleeping bag, towel, toothbrush and shampoo here.

Switch in the morning, then church... then lunch. Often... Cler comes over for lunch and hangs out at my place. We watch movies, talk and nap! She also looks after my dogs. Then we might go off to a switch meeting at church or a music meeting... and then... Introducing God. Introducing God is this special event that we are having at church in the night service. What happens is that we all sit around round tables and have dinner.. then we hear a talk and have discussion groups on our table. The discussions have been really awesome. Talking about things like how can we be sure that what we believe is true, how should we act towards God, why does God act the way he does sometiems... etc. Then we have dessert! mmmmm. Then I go home and plonk in my bed.

Me and Cler are sisters now and we always stay up late having d&ms. It is good fun. (Kekekeke remember friday night??? :P )

Sometimes I do work on the weekend... but now I'm making it that Thursday (my day off uni) is my weekend. Then I have all the time in the world on the weekend to hang out with friends :)

From Car-O-Line

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