Thursday, March 16, 2006

back from planet zog

gosh I can't believe how long it has taken me to get back into the swing of things. I'm fully bogged down by uni and trying to balance that with youth group, bible studies and my own personal devotions, plus violin teaching, violin practice, clarinet and piano practice... and everything else that I have forgotten.

I really really wanna type up the blog from my trip to bangkok but that will have to wait for a day when I have nothing to do... which will be a day very far from today.

also... my computer crashed... so I have to use my mum's old windows 98 computer. I'm thinking of getting a mac laptop so if you have any helpful hints (jen or bec???) that would be much appreciated.

I really like uni at the moment though. My subjects are great and the assignments look like fun (eg: writing a cadenza for a famous concerto - I'm gonna write a mozart violin concerto cadenza). I've also become quite interested in ABC classic FM. If you listen on wednesday nights they have Jazz (or was that friday nights). Anyways... they generally have lots of good music on... and not just your boring baroque stuff... symphonies and operas and concertos. It's fantasmical!

My eyes are about to drop out of their sockets because they are tired and dried up that they might shrivel up tiny and therefore drop out of my sockets. I should sleep... but sleep is for the faint hearted... and anyways... I slept on the train on the way to uni today (at 12pm). I sleep on the train all the time now. The gentle rocking of the train is quite relaxing. Oh what the heck... I'll go to sleep now!

from Car-O-Line

1 comment:

Jenfafa said...

yah uni has been quite busy getting back into it for me too. An iBook G4 is always good - that's what bec and I have... you can order it through andrew and he can get it a little bit cheaper I think.
Your life sounds busy like mine - i can sympathise... the girls at G78 miss you :-)

GUess what! I started listening to ABC classic FM about 2 weeks ago & I think the same (although Human Nature is getting a lot of air play in my car atm). ANyway must fly! Uni to get to! xx