Wednesday, August 30, 2006

challenges of life

Recently I've found it so amazing and so challenging and so comforting that God has a plan for my life and that he leads me in different directions.

All the talks I've been to this year and all the bible studies I've done just seem to be so relavant to me. At first I thought it was pure coincidence, but now I realise that God really has been speaking to me and trying to challenge me. I guess it also just goes to show that the Bible is living and active.

I think after high school... I was in this real crucial point in my life where I was thinking really deeply about all the relationships that I'm in. At the beginning of the year... I heard talks on matthew which made me rethink how I was going to relate to God this year. I also had talks from matthew at ISCF conference and apparently the talks for women's convention will be from matthew too. Then at MYC I was challenged about the purpose of marriage and contentment in being single (which has come up a lot for me this year).

For basically my whole high school years... I think I was very unhappy about being single and I think this is a problem with our adolescent (sp?) culture today that so much importance is placed on 'who you go out with.' Here were my mood changes:

- singleness is crap
- you can serve God better being single... so deal with it
- you can serve God better in a relationship
- singleness is mad... you get to hang out with your girl friends and chat more
- singleness sucks when you're the only one single

There is a really challenging passage in 1 Corinthians 7:25ff which basically says, if you're single... stay single because it's good and you can serve God better, and if you are married... keep at it and serve God in that way. I'm still not sure what I think about this passage... I think it's something I have to mull over for a bit.
So at the moment... I am quite happy with being single, and I'm trying to work out how I can be serving God in my singleness... because it's such a blessing that I don't have to worry about a guy and that I have so much time to do things that people in relationships probably would have less time to do.

One thing that confuses me are single Christians who say "I plan to get married and have kids etc" but they don't consider the fact that God may want them to be unmarried and that they may be able to glorify God better while being single. Like who are we to say "God... please get me into a relationship."

I dunno... thats my confusing (and slightly controversial) spiel. This basically came up because my bible study group seems to be overly preoccupied with relationships. I don't know if it's helpful.

but in all this... Yay for God! Because he loves me.

From Car-O-Line

p.s: I remember being given an article to read on the 'joys of being single' which said stuff like... "when you are single, you have more time to serve God" and "you wont get as tempted" and other random stuff which made me feel really angry because it said something that I didn't want to hear. The great faults in humans... is that they want to live their own way and not just follow God's perfect plan for them.


CleR said...

i think u do essentially have have time to concentrating on God, but it really depends on how u organise time.
there are pro's and con's to being single or in a relationship.. important thing is that you don't forget God's role in your life.

yeah.. i dont agree with the "if you're single, you wont be as tempted".. coz thats so not true.

still bit confused abt what u think abt singleness or being in a relationship.. we should have a girly chat again soon!

Jenfafa said...

well... you're not alone anymore.. i've joined you in singleness again.

I think it's a different kind of temptation when you are single... temptation in wanting a guy and things like that..