Saturday, November 26, 2005

Lazy Bum

Hello there all...

I've been a real lazy bum lately... which has it's ups and downs... lets start with the ups:
1) I can sleep in
2) I can just sit in bed and do my quiet times
3) I have time to prepare bible studies
4) I've been re-reading Harry Potter (which is so weird because I usually hate reading)
5) I can chat on the net
6) I can practice my violin every day
7) I can play with my dogs

now the downs:
1) I'm so poor it hurts
2) Must get money off people for KYLC
3) Need to rest my square-eyes

Hmm... by the looks of it... I'm not really being a lazy bum... I'm actually doing quite a lot. But then again... I'm probably missing some of the downs. Look on the positive side eh!

From Caroline

3 of my dogs

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