Thursday, June 16, 2005

School Prac

I'm officially over half way through my Abbotsleigh jnr. prac! Today was a fun day. We did lots of recorder work with the little people, then I took the handbells group (I arranged a piece for them) and then I taught year 6. I'm teaching the prettiest song. It's called Wild Mountain Thyme. It's funny teaching it to primary people though because when I tell them it's a love song they go "eww! gross!"
Another eventful thing we did was teach the primary how to sing "Twist and Shout." Our lecturer had been going on and on about how they would never teach rock n roll music at Abbotsleigh so we decided to prove him wrong. The students found huge enjoyment in singing it. We had an electric guitar, drums and piano accompanying. The deputy principal came in at the end and said "Isn't it nice to have these music prac students to do something we wouldn't normally do." LOL.
Anyways, I have lots to do!
Love Caroline


Jenfafa said...

hehe! That's awesome!!!!! Are you enjoying being Miss Barker? Prac sounds awesome for you!!!!!!!!!! So much fun!


Unknown said...

rofl how fun :D + funny. [about the principal thing]. does that mean you are working with mrs calabrese? [she works at abbotsleigh, right??]. and wow u arranged a handbells piece? i am impressed. :D take care dearest car-o-line. :) xoxox