Friday, August 19, 2011

1 Cup Tea Cosy

I just quickly whipped this up!

I was trying to knit a lining for another tea cosy but it didn't fit - though I realised that it fit my 1 cup tea pot perfectly! I've added the pattern here for you all so that you too can have a cosy for your cute little 1 cup tea pot.

Why not have a play around with different colours or stripes? You could also add a pom pom or flower on the top.

You could also take this plain pattern and adjust it to fit a tea pot of your own size.

Enjoy knitting!

Here is the pattern:

1 Cup Tea Cosy

Yarn: 8ply Easy Care (Heirloom) – uses less than one 50g ball

Using 2 sets of 4mm circular needles, cast on 73 stitches (72 plus 1 st, for joining in the round), placing 36 on one circular needle and 37 stitches on the other circular needle.

Rounds 1-8: *K2, P2, repeat from * to end of round.

Divide for the sides as follows:
Side One
Row 1 (wrong side): K3, purl to last 3 stitches, K3.
Row 2: Knit to end of row.
Repeat this 2-row pattern until you have completed 18 rows in total. Leave stitches on needle. Break off yarn to darn in later.

Side Two
With wrong side facing, join in the yarn to the stitches on the other needle and work Side Two to correspond with Side One.

Upper Body
Begin working in rounds again.
Round 1: *K7, K2tog, repeat from * to end of round
Round 2: Knit to end of round
Round 3: *K6, K2tog, repeat from * to end of round
Round 4: Knit to end of round
Round 5: *K5, K2tog, repeat from * to end of round
Continue in this decreasing pattern until 8 stitches remain (4 on each circular needle).
Knit one round.
Break off yarn and thread through remaining stitches. Draw up tightly and weave in all ends.

p.s: this is the first pattern I've done so if you have any comments or pick up on any mistakes just let me know.

p.p.s: This cosy is knitted on two pairs of circular needles - for more information on how to do this just search on youtube! There are plenty of videos there.

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