Thursday, August 04, 2005

Arts students

I was reading an article in my uni's student magazine and there was a section on stereotypes I think. Well anyway they were talking about Arts students and how they sit on the lawns all day and work at KFC. I was like O MY GOSH! IT'S TRUE! (because I sit on the lawns and work at KFC). So I handed in my two weeks notice. That's right... I'm leaving KFC.
LOL^ I'm not leaving because of the article. The truth is that my uni work load has increased dramatically. I don't even have time to sit on the lawns anymore! And I decided that this semester I want to practice my violin (and my guitar, and my percussion, and my keyboard, and my sight-singing).
Today I had my first G78 at CTHS. The girls are really sweet and nice. I'm looking forward to reading the bible with them and getting to know their interests, etc. God is so gracious that he has given us his word so that we can study it.
I've just finished preparing for switch tonight. I'm not too wrapped about tonights study. I'm not sure what the main point is. Like there are two big points but not sure what the Big Idea is (kylc people do you follow?).
That's all from me.
From Car-O-Line
p.s: I wrote this fantasmical entry before about the above events but for some reason the internet was being a pain in my hip and it didn't process it through so you will now have to put up with the bodgy above. I hate the internet! The only thing it is good for is talking to your friends 24/7 without racking up a humongous telephone bill.


Anonymous said...

Hey Caro,
Lolz, that's funny. Yeah, I got a lot of work too, but I'm sure it's not as much what you get at uni!!!'re so musical lolz :)
Great news about the G78, that's really encouraging to hear :).
You're in my prayers -don't let the workload get to you :)
YSIC, know who I am...lolz

Tamara said...

I know I haven't seen you on that lawn for ages! :(

Hope uni isn't too poopy!

Jenfafa said...

heh heh... education students sit in the cafeteria eat cake, drink coffee and discuss picture books ... heheh
or in the library :-P
