Friday, February 04, 2005

I'm back!

Hey guys!
Don't ask me where I'm back from because I didn't really go anywhere... ie: I'm not back... argh! Now you all know my secret! Now I have to kill you all! Talking about killing...
I've been a lazy bum so I've been watching movies. I got LOTR 1 & 2... which is cool! but sucks too cuz I don't have 3. Anyways... there is a lot of killing in that film! And I've realised that Eowyn (sp?) wasn't really trying to steal Aragon from Arwen... she liked him... but knew his heart was with someone else. Really... Eowyn wanted to get her hands on some of those dirty monsters and kill them! Do you see it all now?
Continuing the killing theme... I also watched Chicago... that is a good musical. After seeing The Phantom of the Opera (which also has a killing theme) I've been wanting to watch lots of musicals... Chicago is the only musical I have on dvd... so I guess this is where all the killing ends.
From Car-O-Line
p.s: I'm not a crazy girl who wants to kill people... really I'm not!


Anonymous said...

yeah, as blood-sucking as alistair, therefore not at all!

Jenfafa said...

Hey my chicky! You haven't posted in a while!! I'm missing hearing from my caroline!!

Lets catch up soon... like tomorrow keke...

Jen xox